Part 2 Chapter 51

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I was back in the strange room. The smell of blood hit me and so did the sight of countless mangled bodies. I looked down to see my channeling weapon on the ground in front of me.

"Then from somewhere in the room, someone began to cheer. Roars of celebration erupted all around me, but intermixed with cries of celebration, I could also hear groans of pain

I spotted Henry walking towards me and I immediately threw myself into his arms.

"Its over, its finally over!" I cried, while he held me tightly in his arms.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Alyzzea. I released my hold on Henry and walked around him to stand before her.

She offered me a small smile, and it was a relief to see an expression other than anger on her face, even if the smile looked a little forced. "I owe you a bit of an apology. It was a little shaky at first, but you managed to pull of the ceremony flawlessly."

Just then there was the loud groaning as the metal doors on the far side of the room began to open. In poured the men in splotchy green and brown uniforms. And in their hands.. if I wasn't mistaken those were...

Henry reached for me and pulled me to his side, and in the same motion he but his fingers to his mouth and blew hard.

In a flash Nessie came bounding towards us. Just when the blue dragon reached us, the guns fired.

Alyzzea  gazed at me in pure shock, before she crumbled to the ground. A hole in her forehead told the story of what had happened.

"Nessie down!" Henry shouted at the dragon, who was panicking at the loud noises surrounding her. She was jerking her long slender neck wildly around, while she tried to look at every single inch of the the room all at once. Despite that, Nessie still followed his command and all but tossed me onto her.

He didn't even give me a chance to adjust myself into a sitting position, before he cracked the whip and Nessie went airborne, headed straight for the portal.

Something  knocked me off of Nessie's back before we reached it. And that was the last thing I remembered, before  I skidded through the portal and landed very ungraceful on my butt on the stone floor.

I slowly climbed to my feet, while I tried to process what had just occurred. What the heck had happened back their? We had helped save their world, so why had they decided to kill all of us. And...I appeared to be back at the school.

I sat up and looked at the portal cracking in the center of the large room a short distance away from me. I stared at it expecting Henry to come flying out of it at any second.

Something had hit us when we had been close to the portal, surely Henry had made it too. But after a couple of seconds of staring at the portal with no Henry, I began to worry.

No! I couldn't let myself get too worried because there wasn't enough room in my head for that. There were so many other thoughts swirling around my brain. If I overloaded it with this my head might just exploded

So, there wasn't enough room to worry about Arnold , not that I cared a whole lot. He just still had some of my stolen powers that he had taken before we had left to save the other world. Plus, although he was creepy, he was still a valuable comrade, and he was still a kid...

"Violet!" someone gasped and I looked around and spotted Santana standing a short distance away directly behind the orange globe. Her and Lilly were both wearing hooded dark green cloaks that concealed most of their bodies, with the exception of their faces. Lilly was fast asleep in her arms, "Oh thank goodness that you're back! I thought for sure something had gotten you over there!"

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