♢Chapter 18

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So I forgot to say my new goal last week; 2,000 reads and 75 votes, do you think we can do it because I do(: Thanks for reading<3 -Sam

Huh? Was my first thought. Well, this was an unfortunate turn of events. My number one supporter at the meeting, not to mention one of the big four, was someone I was going to have to expose to murder. Just when I thought life couldn't get any more complicated...

Lacy let out a huff of breath. "Look, I was there, and I know Vivian is the only one standing between you and," she took her pointer finger and slid it across her throat, "so I'll cut you a break. "I'll wait until you prove to them that you can be a valuable resource, instead of a liability. But you better do it fast; I'm not a very patient person."

"Surprise, surprise," I muttered under my breath.

"What did you say?"

"Absolutely nothing," I gave her a phony smile.

She narrowed her eyes, or at least where her eyes should have been. "Whatever, I can't wait until I cross over. It's a rather sad existence when the only person to talk to is you. Well toodles, I've got places to see, haunting to do." She blew me a kiss, and slowly faded away. But before she faded away completely she added. "Oh, and make sure Hampton Blackwing doesn't catch on to what you're doing. He's not a very nice man. He's quite nasty." Then she was gone.

"No, you can't just disappear with a line like that!" I screamed into thin air.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and the next thing I knew I was laying on my back on the soil. Amber stood over me, her brown eyes blazing with anger. She knelt down and leaned over me until her face was inches from mine.

"Who were you talking to?" she bit out and leaned even closer to my face. "Who?"

"Nobody," I said, somehow managing to choke that one word out.

"Don't lie, I heard you!" She flipped me onto my stomach and started bending my arm behind my back.

"Ow, ow, ow!" I cried. "You're going to break my arm, stopppp!"

"Then tell me who you were talking to, and I will."

"And I'm telling you there's no one here! Take a look for yourself, if you don't believe me."

"Don't move!" she barked.

I felt Amber's weight disappear from my back. Seconds later, I heard the sound of bushes rustling. I sat up and proceed to rub my now sore arm and wait for Amber to come back. It felt like an hour had passed before she actually did.

She walked over to where I still sat and held a hand out to me. "I didn't find anybody, but that doesn't mean I didn't hear what I heard!"I accepted her hand, and she pulled me to my feet.

I began brushing off dirt from the back, and front of my uniform, once standing. I made sure to give Amber an especially dirty look, worthy of all the dirt she had gotten on me.

"Are you sure the voice you heard wasn't just mine because I tend to talk to myself sometimes." I peeled a leaf off of my shirt and flung it to the ground.

Amber narrowed her eyes at me. "No, there was one other voice besides your's."

I froze, but not from the knowledge that she might have been able to hear  Lacy, but because there was a man in a pair of tan pants, a blood-stained tan shirt, and only half a face standing directly behind Amber. He stared at me with his one gaping hole.

Amber, noticing my eyes were fixated on the space behind her, spun around to face the threat she thought was there. When she turned back around, there was one giant question mark written all over her face.

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