♡Chapter 24

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So I'm updating before I got 106 votes because 102 is just fine, actually, it's more the fine its great! So I had a weird realization today, people actually read this story and don't know how it ends. Right now you must be like WTF? Did this dumb blonde just now realize this, and my answer is yes, this dumb blonde really took that long to realize that...So anyways enjoy and no chapter hostage holding for the next chapter. Oh and thank you all for my goal of 100 votes! I luv you all! Thanks for reading<3 -Sam

P.S Sorry for the crappy proofreading job I'm really tired right now, but I'll promise to do a better job tomorrow after school.

"Easy girl," I cooed to the dragon and struggled to take the reins out of her master's clenched fists. Even when knocked out cold, Henry had a death grip on them.

I gave the reins a small tug in an attempt to free them from their prison but found myself in an all too familiar nose dive. I gritted my teeth together and struggled to keep my eyes open while butterflies tickle my stomach. I grabbed Henry's hands and gave it a hard tug backward. The dragon let out a loud roar and rocketed up into the air. We broke through the clouds, and the blue dragon spread opened her wings and leveled out.

I exhaled a breath of relief. How anyone learned how to fly these things was beyond me? I had been going through this cycle of nose diving and then ending up where we had started for the last hour, and I was at my limit. If I never had to get on a back of another dragon again, it would be all too soon.

"Okay let's try this one more time Bessie, or Messie, I can't remember your name, but I'm determined to land you even if it's the last thing I do, so here we go!" I gently pulled the reigns up, and we began spiraling down into a nose dive once again. Instead of pulling hard on the reigns, though, right before we hit the ground, I let it go and closed my eyes tightly.

I kept them closed until I heard Henry's dragon begin to growl. I opened them and realized, with an immense amount of relief, that we were once again on the ground. However, that relief was shortly lived, when I noticed that we were only mere feet from another dragon, a wild dragon and not a very friendly looking one at that.

It was about the same size, height, and lengthwise of Henry's blue dragon, but it was green and raggedy looking.

It's upper lip pulled up to reveal rows of yellow, rotting, razor sharp teeth. It hissed back at Henry's dragon and hit us with a puff of hot steam. Henry's dragon let out a roar, in response, and took a threatening step towards the other dragon.

"Whoah, Whoah, Whoah!" I yelled and grabbed Henry's cold hands. I yanked the reigns backward hard. Henry's dragon let out a growl of protest but began to back up slowly.

From behind me, Henry let out a loud groan. I took my eyes off the wild dragon in front of me and spared a single look over my shoulder. He was coming to, slowly but surely. He couldn't have had better timing.

"Henry wake up!  We have a problem here!" I whispered frantically.

"Mhmm?" Henry mumbled and began to stir.

"Don't Mhmm me. We are about to become dragon snacks unless you get up like right now." I hissed.

I felt Henry's body jerk. "I'm up," he said, though his voice still sounded groggy. "Tell me what the hell is going on?" he said.

"I tried to land your dragon after you passed out, and after a few tries, I did. But the point is we are about to be fired nice and crispy unless you do something."

A seconds pause, "You seriously tried to land my dragon? How dumb are you really? Don't you remember the first rule of flying, never land a dragon in an unfamiliar place, unless it's an emergency." Henry paused. "I don't see any signs of a storm that might have knocked you out of the sky, and my dragon seems perfectly healthy to me."

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