♢Chapter 10

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So short chapter but hands down my new favorite. First, one to vote on this chapter gets it dedicated to them! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like, even if you aren't the first to vote. Thanks for reading<3- Sam

At first, my half-sleeping mind couldn't process that Danny Feathers was standing in my dorm. It just wouldn't click, so for about thirty seconds, I sat in bed looking at him stupidly. Finally, my brain came up with the reasonable explanation that I was asleep and this was a dream. Hadn't every straight girl had a dream about a hot guy at least once in their life?

I laid back down and willed deep sleep to take me again, but apparently, dream Danny had other plans.

"Wake up!" he said loudly. I felt his hand on my shoulder as he gently began to shake me. "You're in danger."

I swatted his hand away. "No, I'm not!" I grumbled. "This is just a dream."

"It is?" He sounded perplexed.

"Yes, why else would you be here?"

"You're right, why else would I be here?" I felt the bed indent as Danny sat down on the edge of the bed beside me. "That would make sense since I've been dreaming about you ever since the accident."

"You can't dream about me seeing that you are part of my dream," I said, pulling the covers over my head. I had them instantly ripped away.

"Wait a minute. You think you're dreaming about me!?" I looked over at Danny to see that he was studying me with his green eyes.

"Yeah, this is a dream I thought we got past that part." I gave him a dirty look and reclaimed the covers that he had stolen, only to have them ripped away yet again.


"Violet, I don't think this is a dream." Danny was gazing at me intently now.

I sat up and let the irritation I was feeling show on my face. "Well then explain how you got into this prison of a school and into my room, in case you haven't notice you almost have to be a ghost to get around here!" I yelled, reaching for the covers again, but Danny had an iron grip on them.

"I wish I could tell you how I'm here right now, but I really don't know myself. I just felt that you were going to be in danger, and poof I was standing over your bed." He reached over and pinched my arm. "Does that feel real enough to you?"

I looked down to see two little crescent moon shaped indents on the section of skin he had just pinched. I looked up and met his gaze, realization hitting me for the first time. "You're really here!" I breathed looking at him in wonder. "Oh no, you're really here!" That wonder turning into a panic in less than three seconds.

I rocketed out of bed and began pacing back and forth in the tiny room, which only allowed me only four and a half steps per pace. I bit down on my thumbnail as I tried to come up with what to do next. How was I going to explain this to Miss Dragon-lady-headmaster and Mr. pole-up-my-butt?

BOOM! The whole tiny room suddenly shook. I waved my arms widely as I tried to stay upright, but with no such luck. Thankfully, Danny, the star of nearly all our sports teams, had an amazing reaction time and was able to catch me before I hit the floor. He steadied me on my feet before flying to the window to see what was happening outside. I crept up behind him and tried to see what was happening, but he was blocking most of the view. The only thing that I could make out was there was a thick blanket of gray smoke where there should have been blue sky.

"What was that? Do you see anything?" I asked him anxiously. He kept craning his neck.

"No, there's too much smoke....wait hold on." He leaned closer to the windowpane. "I think I see something."

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