♢Chapter 14

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This chapter might be a little confusing, so if you are confused I clear things up in an author note at the bottom. I hope you enjoy and sorry for the wait, writer's block is a b**ch.... Eh not my favorite chapter, if anything it is my least favorite:p on that very negative note...Thanks for reading<3- Sam.

Henry was waiting for me when I exited the arena, panting, and drenched in sweat. Mrs. B had given me a bottle of water, and I downed it greedily while I followed him to my next class. I noticed as he walked in front of me, that the back of his pants was dusty. Had he been sitting just outside the arena waiting for me the entire time? Probably being that he was my babysitter and all, no matter how many times he denied it.

My next two classes seemed to drag on forever. My elemental water teacher was a fat man, with blue hair and a black tattoo running along the left side of his face. His personality didn't match his interesting appearance. I caught myself dozing off a couple of times during our private lesson. The only thing I managed to do in that class was trip, knock over the giant tub of water he had carefully placed in the center of the room, and soak both him and me in freezing cold water.

The class after that was wind elemental class. My elemental wind teacher, Mrs. Cliff, was rather ordinary in appearance compared to the other two. She was medium height with brown eyes and light brown hair. She was polite to me, but I could sense that she didn't like me all that much. She helped dry me off with a warm breeze when I came into her class looking like a drowned cat.

The identity of my elemental fire teacher, which was my next class, came as no surprise to me. They wouldn't put someone that was incompetent in charge of me, especially if I was oh so dangerous. Henry took me outside into a large courtyard. It was barren, except for giant wooden poles as tall and wide around as a tree. The sky above us was a deep blue, and by the position of the sun I guessed it was around noon.

I looked gloomily at the wooden poles. I was so sick of elemental lessons I could scream. But instead of launching into the lesson, Henry removed a bag he had acquired during my wind lesson and opened it. He took out two paper bags and held one out to me.

When he saw that I wasn't making any move to take the bag, he let out a long sigh. "It's lunch, you must be hungry, especially since you haven't eaten anything in almost a day."

He brought food! Now that he mentioned it, I hadn't noticed how hungry I was untiI now. Was he trying to be nice? Well, maybe I could be nice too. This might be the start of a beautiful friendship!

"Thanks that would make sense, seeing that I feel like I could eat a dragon right now," I smiled at him.

He didn't smile back, instead, he tossed the bag to me. It hit the ground before I could catch it.

"I brought you lunch because I didn't feel like taking you to the dining hall. It would take too long, and I really didn't want to sit across from you and watch you stuff food into your face like a pig."

Okay scratch the friendship thing, it's going to be hard enough to keep myself from wrapping my hands around his throat and choking him.

I retrieved my water bottle, before he could throw that on the ground too, and chose a spot far from him. I ended up sitting next to a wooden post in the far corner. I leaned my back up against it and dug through the contents of the paper bag. I pulled out first an apple, then a peanut butter sandwich, and a bag of raisins. I inhaled the sandwich, ate the apple to its core, and left the raisins untouched. I wasn't a big fan of them, especially after I had gotten one stuck up my nose when I was five.

Once I had finished eating I glanced over at Henry. He was still working on his apple. I soon grew bored watching and waiting for him to finish eating, so I did the only thing that makes sense when you're bored and have a bag of raisins.

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