♡Chapter 8

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I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for reading<3 -Sam

The scene before me looked like a picture out of a fairy tale book. Gold leaf vines wrapped around blood red marble pillars, which stretched twenty something feet into the air, and supported a ceiling with paintings depicting several famous battles, battles that happened over thousands of years ago. In the center of the room, there was a stone mermaid with a fountain of water streaming out of her mouth. She sat on a sky blue crystal pedestal surrounded by a pond in which colorful fish swam.

The walls were made of large gray stones and paintings of old and wise looking wizards hung on them. The floor was made out of the smooth black marble with gold swirled into it. Across the gigantic room, two huge torches of blue fire burned on either side of a grand staircase made of the same material as the floor. It split into two separate stairs halfway up, one side going to the right, the other going to the left.

"... and then you go back to your dorm at eight, any questions?"

"Hmm?" I said snapping out of whatever trance the room had put me under.

I hadn't even noticed that Henry had been standing beside me the whole time. He pressed his thumb and finger to the bridge of his nose. "And you weren't paying attention to a single word I said."

I smiled at him sheepishly. "Sorry, can you repeat that." But just then a bell tolled. I covered my ears with my hands at the unexpected loud noise. Henry cringed and covered his ears too.

"They really need to get a new bell," he grumbled. As he spoke those words I watched while holes began opening up in the walls. Out of them streamed boys and girls wearing blood red uniforms with gold trim and carrying books. We got a couple curious glances as a couple brushed past us; Henry returned those curious looks with a glare. "How about we go to a more private place?" he said, grabbing my hand and tugging me through the thickening river of kids to one of the walls. He placed his hand on one of the big gray stones and I watched curiously as the wall seemed to evaporate under his touch until there was an entrance big enough for us to duck through. He walked in and I followed him, the hole quietly closing behind us.

The room we entered was dimly lit by glass glowing balls bobbing up and down above us in midair. The walls were lined with bookshelves stuffed with thick old looking books. He walked over to one of two red satin chairs beside a fireless fireplace and sank into it. I walked over to the other chair and perched on the edge.

"Okay so tell me again what you were telling me out there," I gave him a closed mouth smile.

He frowned at me. "Well before that I should explain to you why you are here." I nodded my head in agreement with him. "You are here because you're a necromancer."

"I'm a what?"

"A necromancer, one who can control the dead. You control the fifth element, the rarest element of all and most dangerous. You control death, "he replied, he stretched out his fingers and a fire erupted in the fireplace.

I watched in fascination as images appeared in the flames, images of me. One of them showed me leaning over Danny's lifeless body and crying. I watched as a laid my hand on his chest and purple light began to glow under my fingertips. My head snapped up and I looked at Danny hopefully. That had been the moment I had heard a heartbeat, I realized. The next image was me standing in the element teller's office holding the crystal ball. We had all been so preoccupied looking at the ceiling that none of us had noticed the black mist creep out of the ball and going into my chest. The final image was me climbing into Emily's window and telling her all about what was happening to me. Then the images disappeared, and all that was left was bright yellow and orange flames.

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