Halloween Part 3

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Holt opened the door into the interrogation room, revealing Jake, wearing all black clothes, staring at the table, his head propped up on his head.

Jake looked up when the Captain entered, dramatically saying "Captain. Would you care to shake the hand of the man who defeated you?"

From behind the viewing glass, you could see that Jake started to stand up, but the handcuffs that attached him to the table caused him to be pulled back down, making a loud crashing sound.

"Forgot I was wearing handcuffs. Ohh, that hurt" Jake said.

A few moments later, Holt was sat in the chair opposite Jake.

"Climbing the side of the building with a blowtorch. What were you thinking?" Holt asked.

"I was thinking I had better core strength" Jake said. You laughed, because that was 100% true. "I got winded, like ten feet up."

"I knew you wouldn't win the bet, but your performance tonight has made me question not only how good a detective you are, but, quite frankly, how smart you are" Holt said.

"Well, that's not surprising. You constantly underestimate me" Jake said.

"No, you've been correctly estimated" Holt said, leaning on the desk. "You have five minutes until your deadline, and here you are, handcuffed to a table, in a locked room."

"Which is precisely where I planned on being" Jake said. "Captain, let me tell you a little story. You remember when I feel through your ceiling?"

"Yes, that was six hours ago" Holt answered.

"It was, I admit, a disastrous failure. But it gave me the idea for Herman, the friendly janitor you met" Jake admitted. "With Herman, I commenced the perfect crime."

"I caught you as Herman" Holt said.

"But you didn't catch y/n" Jake revealed.

"Come out of there" Holt said to Herman.

Jake/Herman came out of Holt's office, successfully distracting him as you climbed in gracefully through the window.

"As it turns out, our friend y/n is great at picking locks" Jake said.

You picked the lock on Holt's cabinet, and then pulled it open to reveal Holt's safe.

"That does not surprise me" Holt said.

"No, me neither. Did you know that Rosa can also pick locks?" Jake asked. "Course, I had to find a way to get y/n out of your office without you seeing her. So I created a diversion."

Jake's diversion went off, and as Holt was distracted, you slipped out of the door to his office.

"Not mistimed. Perfectly timed so that she could escape and then join me in talking to you" Jake said.

"What about the pigeons?" Holt asked. Behind the viewing glass, when you looked down at your hands, you could see the scratches that the pigeons had given you.

"Oh, the gray pigeons? They were a red herring. Thank you. Their only purpose was to draw you into the copy room while two members of my team broke into your locked office" Jake said.

Terry slowly lowered Amy into Holt's office, with Amy landing on the floor like a cat and then opened the window before being pulled back out of the room.

"So now I had a way into your office, and an open cabinet" said Jake. "All that was left was for the royal babies to steal your keys."

"Yes, but you didn't need the keys. The cabinet was already unlocked. You needed a way into the safe" Holt said.

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