Jake and Sophia Part 2

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"Judge gave us a recess, but if we don't get new evidence, we have no chance" said Carl.

"Great pep talk" you said.

"Don't worry, we'll get some evidence" said Terry.

"Excuse me, one second" said Jake, and ran down the hall to talk to Sophia.

A few moments later, Jake walked back to you and Terry. "Come on, y/n, Terry, let's go save the day. Carl, you wanna come?"

"No, thank you" said Carl.

"All right" you said.


"All right, listen up, we need more evidence on this guy and we need it quick, so no time for chit-chat" said Jake to the squad.

The whole squad were sat in the briefing room, looking at the board full of details about the case.

"What's going on? You love chit-chat" said Rosa.

"Yeah, also, your posture seems off, like, it's good" Amy said.

"Because I'm being serious, because I don't want this perp to walk" Jake said, pointing at the perp's picture.

"This isn't about the perp" you said, holding up a picture of Sophia and pinning it to the board. "It's about this woman. Jake slept with her."

"Oh, she's so pretty. She looks like the woman on an olive oil bottle" said Charles.

"Way to go, Jake" Rosa said.

"She's a defense attorney" you said.

"Oh, my God, are you kidding?" asked Amy as Charles said "Boo!"

"Hey, guys, let's take it easy on him" Terry said.

"Thank you, Terry" said Jake.

"But seriously, I think you need to get checked for rabies" Terry said.

"Hey, I have a good rabies guy, if you need one" Hitchcock said.

Jake took the picture of Sophia down. "Uh-huh. All right, listen. Can we focus up? Our witness is useless, so we either need to recover the stolen gems or find the break-in tool."

"What year was the perp's house built in?" asked Amy. "Some of those old brownstones had dumbwaiters."

"A perfect hiding spot. Good thinking, Amy. I'm going to win this case, and then we can put my horrible sexual experience behind us forever" said Jake.

"I don't know, Jake. I'm afraid I'm gonna think about it every time I look at your crotch" Charles said.

"Then stop looking at my crotch!" said Jake, and he left the room.


"So, Detective Peralta, you found some 'new' evidence last night" said Sophia to Jake, who was sitting in the witness box.

"Correction: I found some damning new evidence last night. It was hidden in an old dumbwaiter in the defendant's house. All his burglary tools, including a glass cutter he used to break into the store" Jake said.

"Yes, but isn't it possible my client could've used the glass cutter for something other than a robbery?" Sophia asked. "I mean, after all, stuff can do two things, right?"

"Hey! I say that! That's my saying! Your Honor, she stole my saying" said Jake.

"This is going terribly" you whispered to Terry, who nodded in agreement.

"People don't own sayings. Please answer the question, Detective" the judge said.

"Fine. In the same bag as the burglary tools, we also found shards of glass" explained Jake.

"And you expect us to believe that you found this new evidence yesterday just as your case was collapsing around you?" laughed Sophia.

"I certainly hope so, because it's the truth" Jake said. "In fact, I believe it was the great John Adams who once said 'To believe all men honest is folly. To believe none... Is something worse.' Let the record show Miss Perez looks stunned and defeated. No further questions."

"You're not allowed to say that" said the judge.

"Yup" said Jake.


"We, the Jury, find the defendant... Not guilty" said a man.

"Oh, come on!" said Jake as you groaned.

Jake knocked the top of a post off and instantly regretted it.

"Oh, I'm in too much pain to care how cool and strong that made me look" Jake said.

"It was already splintered" Terry said.

"Don't take this away from me" said Jake.


You and Terry followed Jake who was walking angrily down the hall.

"Jake, what are you doing, man?" asked Terry.

"Walking angrily towards a door that I now see says 'Emergency exit only' on it, so I'm turning around, but I'm still ticked!" answered Jake.

"Look, Jake, don't screw this up. Both of us hate defense attorneys as much as any rational adult, but you obviously have feelings for Sophia" you said.

"Yeah, anger" said Jake.

"I don't know. It just seems to me like you met your match. You said yourself how boring your dates have been. But you have to admit, Sophia wouldn't be boring" Terry said.

"I will admit she's not boring. And we do have fun together. And I guess you could say she's passably attractive. All right, fine. She's super hot. God, I can't believe I'm about to ask out a defense attorney" said Jake.

Mini life update - I'm having homemade pizza tonight, yay. Also, I really wish that Wattpad would let me like your comments (Like Instagram).

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