The Boyle-Linetti Wedding Part 1

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"Gregor Minsk, the counterfeiter I've been chasing for two years has just resurfaced. And he's just as evil as ever" you said at the front of the briefing room. 

"I hate him" said Amy.

"Right. And you hate him because he had a typo on his counterfeit bills" Jake said.

"No" Amy said.

"He passed $4 million in fraudulent bills, Jake" you said.

"But also, two r's in 'pluribus?' I mean, did none of those cashiers take Latin?" asked Amy.

"Okay, y/n, you can sit down now. And give Amy a round of applause for whatever that was" Gina said, walking up to the front of the room.

"Police briefing. Still in progress" you said.

"And you did great. But let's get serious, people. Tomorrow is the wedding. My mom is marrying, shudder, Charles' dad, toilet emoji" said Gina.

"We are gonna be brother and sister. To think this started with us just going to town on each other's sexy parts" Charles said.

Everyone groaned.

"Charles, promise me that is not in your toast" Gina said.

"It's not" said Charles awkwardly.

Gina sighed. "Come on, man. Look, I need everything to be perfect. Status update, Rosa. How are the flowers?"

"I don't know. Yellow" said Rosa.

"Terr-bear?" asked Gina.

"I had my tuxedo altered to make it tighter like you wanted" Terry said.

"Delicious. Jake, have you checked in with the jeweler?" Gina asked.

"Yes. They said the ring will be ready at 2:00 on the wedding day. I'm going to pick it up on my way to the ceremony" answered Jake.

"This is very important, Jake. Are you sure you can handle it? Should y/n get it just in case?" asked Gina.

"Uh, well, let's see. Easy, last minute, and crucial as hell. Meets all the Peralta criteria" Jake said.

"Good. These tasks are top priority around here, people. I don't care how many criminals go free. All right? Dismissed" said Gina.

"I'm not done with my briefing yet" you said as everyone left. 

"I said dismissed" shouted Gina.

Jake came over to Charles' desk, where you, Rosa and Charles were working

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Jake came over to Charles' desk, where you, Rosa and Charles were working.

"Guys. Guess who I'm about to see?" asked Jake.

"The Bubes? Michael Buble?" suggested Charles.

"Okay, you're the only one who calls him that. And no. Jenny Gildenhorn" Jake said.

"The girl who dumped you at your bar mitzvah?" asked Charles.

"Yes. I can still see her slow-dancing with Eddie Fung" said Jake.

"I'll never forgive that bitch for what she did to you" Charles said.

"Well, you better forgive her because she's about to become, uh, my girlfriend" Jake said. "Turns out Gina's mom is friends with Jenny Gildenhorn's mom, and Jenny is gonna be at the wedding. That's right. I'm finally about to get the slow-dance that Fung denied me."

"Is she even single?" asked Rosa.

"Uh-huh. For the first time since we were thirteen. Eddie Fung was replaced by Colin Brandow, then Ethan Stokes, then Tanya Astor, don't tell her mother, then she met her husband, Matt Hench, who she divorced three months ago. Probably because he's a major loser. I mean, Assistant US Attorney. Get a real job" said Jake.

"You really kept tabs on her, huh?" you asked.

"It's most of what I do here" Jake said.

"Y-nn. Y-nn. Y-nn. Y-nn" said Charles as Amy walked over.

"What's happening? Is Charles having a stroke?" asked Amy.

"No, he's warning me that y/n's here so I won't talk about other girls" Jake said.

"Just thought it might be weird for you, because of your history" Charles said to you.

"It's not weird at all" you said."

"Yeah" said Jake. "I told y/n I liked her, she told me she was deeply in love with me, and it's all in the past."

"I didn't say 'love' or 'deeply'" you said.

"It's in the past, y/n. Move on!" Jake said.


Jake walked out of the jeweler's with the ring.

"Okay. I got the ring. Let's go" said Jake.

"Okay, thanks. Try to stay of heroin" you said into the phone, ending the call.

"Your mom?" asked Jake.

"No. That was my informant. She spotted my counterfeiter four blocks from here. We have to go check it out" you said.

"Uh, but I wanted to get to the wedding early and reserve a seat so Jenny can sit on my right side. I've been practicing my fake crying and it turns out this is my juicier duct" Jake said, pointing at his right eye.

"Please? I've been chasing this guy for two years. What if it was your collar?" you asked.

"I would have caught him nine months ago in a shootout on top of a ferris wheel" answered Jake.

"Minsk is my nemesis. He's my Eddie Fung" you said.

Jake gasped. "Fung. All right, that I understand. We'll check out your lead, then we'll go to the wedding. Let's go find Eddie Fung."

"Minsk" you corrected him.

"Right. Minsk" said Jake as you got in the car. "Fung."

First of all, sorry for not updating in a while. I was very unmotivated. Also, thank you so much for over 100K reads and over 3K votes!!! I really appreciate it!!

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