Charges and Specs Part 2

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The day of the hearing.

"Ah. Good morning, Captain. I got you your favorite breakfast. A plain bagel and a water" said Jake.

"Don't try to soften me up. Why'd you ask me to meet you in this alley in Bensonhurst at 9:00 in the morning?" asked Holt, taking his breakfast from Jake.

"Look, my best chance of not getting suspended is proving that Wint is guilty. I got a confidential informant I want you to meet" Jake said.

"You continued to work this case against my direct orders? You astound me" Holt said.

"Thank you, sir. You astound me as well. But I didn't find him. Y/n did" said Jake, and you walked out with a man wearing a hat and glasses.

"What is going on?" asked Holt.

"I don't know, sir" you said.

"This is Isaac. He used to be a pusher for the Bay Ridge boys" said Jake.

"Dude, drugs don't need pushing. They push themselves. People love drugs" Isaac said.

"Tell him about the donations" you said.

"All right, look. Every Friday, I put cash into a duffel bag and bring it to Wint Community Center, Room 265, and they mark it down as a charitable donation in their account book" Isaac explained.

"Ergo, laundering" said Jake.

"So, why should we believe you?" Holt asked Isaac.

"I don't care who you believe. Just know I hate those dudes now. They carved up my territory so bad, I had to quit selling drugs, and I love selling drugs. It was my dream job" replied Isaac.

"Sir, I filled out a warrant request to search the community center for the account book. I need you to sign it before I can take it to a judge" Jake said, showing Holt the warrant. "I know I'm asking you to stick your neck out, but please trust me."

"Fine. But I'll be with you. Every step of the way" said Holt.

"You know you should just put a microchip in his neck like a little doggy" Isaac said.

"All right, Isaac, thank you. Yeah, you're done" you said.


"Look at us, three rogue cops taking on a case the commissioner told us to drop" said Jake excitedly.

"Button up your jacket. Sit up straight. Judge Mindel has a reputation for being strict and proper" Holt said.

"All right, no worries. I'll just act like you. Say something so I can get the cadence of your voice down" said Jake.

"I will not" Holt said.

Jake smiled, and then began to imitate Holt's voice. "Perfect. I will not. I... will not. I will... not."


You, Jake and Holt were parked in a car outside the Wint Community Center, watching the doors closely.

"We got a warrant. But now, we need a plan" said Holt. "We can't just go in there in our uniforms. They'll destroy the evidence before we even walk through the door."

"Good point, Captain Holt. Or should I say 'Captain Raymond sex vibes'?" asked Jake, and you and Jake laughed. "Who knew you had such game?"

"Yes, I've found that many women want what they can't have" Holt said.

Brooklyn 99: Jake Peralta x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang