48 Hours Part 2

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"Hey, Captain" said Jake as he walked into Holt's office, following you. "Will you please just let everyone go? I feel bad that I ruined their weekend. And I can tell they're pissed at me. I mean, Charles hasn't tried to high-five me all morning. Y/n just keeps glaring at me."

"And I will continue to until I get to sleep at my apartment. In a bed" you snapped. Sleeping at a desk was not good for your temper.

"Yes, I've taken the brunt of that" said Holt. "Are you sure that Whitman did it?"

"Yes, I'm positive" Jake said.

"Then the whole team stays. We have a better shot with everyone on it" Holt said.

"Fine, will you at least tell Hitchcock to go home? His mouth smells like rotten trout milk" you said.

"Is there such a thing?" asked Holt.

"I'm just telling you what it smells like" you said, yawning.


You watched from your desk as Jake guessed who Amy's date was.

Rosa walked past Jake and Amy's desk and said "Where's he taking you?"

"Dinner and a movie" Amy said proudly.

You scoffed. "Dinner and a movie?"

"It's the perfect first date" Amy said.

"I think the perfect first date doesn't feel like a date at all, because you've known each other for a few years, maybe even work together. And then one night, you're laughing and then all of a sudden, it's just like blammo! Kissing" Charles interjected.

"For me: Cheap dinner, watch basketball, bone down" said Rosa.

"So, pretty much the same as what I said" Charles said nervously.

"I'm okay with, like, a takeaway and a film at their apartment. I don't really mind what happens" you said.

"Awesome" said Jake.


You were sat at your desk, with Rosa and Charles opposite, working on the Whitman case when Gina came up to you.

"Hi, hello" Gina said.

"What are you doing? Holt said you didn't have to come in here. You don't even come in on days you're supposed to work" said Charles in confusion.

"Because I'm so nice, I brought two pies. One is from Crust. And one's also from Flatbush Diner" said Gina, taking the pies out of her paper bag. "Hey, you know what might be fun?"

"Getting out of here?" you muttered.

"Charles could try them and tell us which one is better. How fun is that?" Gina said, ignoring you completely.

"So fun" Charles said, obviously lying.

"Yay!" said Gina happily.

A few minutes later, Charles was eating the pie from Crust. "It's all right. Six out of twelve."

"Out of twelve? Why?" you asked.

"For the twelve components of food satisfaction: Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, umani, odor, sound -" Charles started to explain.

"Sound? Come on, Charles. Try Rosa and y/n's nasty pie"  Gina scoffed.

Charles ate part of the pie from Flatbush Diner. "Oh, wow" he said, causing Rosa to grin at Gina. "That's the best pie I ever had."

"Your face says otherwise" you said.

Rosa started to laugh.

"No, no" Gina protested.

"What's this?" Terry asked as he walked over.

"We were running calls to pawn shops and then waiting for them to call back" said Charles.

"I didn't ask what you were doing. I asked what you are doing" said Terry.

"Pie taste test, it's over. Me and y/n won" Rosa said.

"That's unacceptable" said Terry, causing everyone around your's and Charles' desk to look at Terry nervously.

"If you wanna know which restaurant has better pies, you can't just have one guy try one pie from each place. Everybody needs to try all the pies from both places" explained Terry, catching the attention of Holt. "We gonna be here awhile."


"Did Whitman talk?" asked Amy frantically, walking over to Jake's desk wearing her dress for her date, where you, Jake and Holt were talking about the Whitman case.

"Oh, he talked all right" said Jake.

"He asked for his lawyer" Holt said.

"By using words, which is technically talking" said Jake.

"We can't ask him any more questions until we find his lawyer and we can't find his lawyer anywhere" you said, causing Amy to sit down in her chair miserably, before getting up to reveal a reddish stain on her dress.

"Come on. Why is there pie here?" asked Amy.

"That's not good" said Jake.

Amy walked off. "I think the world of you. As a colleague and a friend" Jake called.

"Shut up, Jake" you said.

"Yep" Jake said, shutting up.


"Yes, another one fore Crust" said Gina, celebrating.

"It's not looking good for Flatbush Diner" Terry said, making a mark on the whiteboard behind him.

"Ah, come on!" exclaimed Rosa.

"You went home and showered? That's so unfair" you said, looking at Rosa's hair.

"I'm just glad I keep a toothbrush here" said Charles.

"Oh, cool. Can I borrow it?" asked Jake.

"Uh, why do you wanna borrow the toothbrush?" Charles asked.

"What possible answer could he give to make you say yes?" said Amy.

"I wanna brush my teeth" said Jake.

"Jake, it's been in Charles' mouth" you said.

"That's the grossest thing I've ever heard" Amy said in disgust.

"That's the grossest thing you're ever heard?" said Jake.

"You caught a guy on the subway with a bag of human ears" you said.

"Your thing's grosser" Amy said.

"Bring out the meringues" said Terry loudly.

"I bought a few more" Gina said, walking up to your desk, barely visible behind the boxes she held in her hands.

"That's so many" Jake said, as Gina placed the boxes in the table.

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