USPIS Part 3

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"All right, two down, three to go" Charles said as you, Jake and Charles walked along a hallway in an apartment building. "Next on the list, Kent Delroy. Worked at the post office for twelve years. Quit two years ago."

You knocked on the apartment door. The door opened, and after seeing who it was, closed the door quickly.

"That's the guy from this morning" you said.

"NYPD, open up!" shouted Jake. Then, quieter "All right, I'm gonna break down the door."

"No, let me do it" Charles said.

"Charles, that's never gone well" you said.

"Yes, but I've been practising" said Charles.

"All right, fine. You get one try" said Jake.

"Thank you" said Charles.

You and Jake pointed your guns at the door as Charles ran at the door and kicked it open.

"Police! Hands in the air!" you shouted.

"I did it! Yes!" Charles said, high fiving the perp.

"Boyle, that's the bad guy" said Jake.

"Yup, yup. Turn around" Charles said.


"Hey, hey, people. Task force, officially on the scoreboard with our first major giggle pig dealer busted" Jake said as you, him and Charles walked into the bullpen with the perp.

Everyone cheered and clapped.

"Treat him well. This guy is sort of the Mitch Globmun of getting put in jail for this" said Jake, handing the perp to a uniformed officer. "Globmum was the first kid in my grade to get a pube. Rosa, great news, my friend!"

"What the hell? Danger just called and said you abandoned him, took information from a classified computer, and licked a roll of antique stamps" said Rosa.

"The stamps were on me. I was curious about how old glue tasted. Answer: Like a horse lollipop" Charles said.

"Look, it's not a big deal. Danger wanted us to waste a week staring at mailboxes" you said.

"If we'd listened to him, we never would have caught Delroy. Or found his books, which tell us there's a huge giggle pig shipment coming in tonight" said Jake.

"I told you to work with USPIS" Rosa said.

"Okay, I know I didn't do it exactly the way you asked me to -" said Jake.

"The way I ordered you to as leader of the task force. Do you think just because we're friends you can do whatever you want? Danger's furious. He's on his way over here now because they're taking over the case" said Rosa.

"What?" you asked.

"He can't do that" Jake said.

"Yeah, he can. They're a federal agency. From now on, any bust that comes from this, including Delroy, goes to USPIS. My taskforce gets nothing. So thanks, friend" said Rosa.


"This table tastes like Scully's elbow blisters. I deserve it" Jake said, his face lying on the table in the break room.

"I hate seeing you like this" said Charles.

"Rosa has every right to be pissed at me. I didn't follow her orders and I messed up the task force. The only way to make things right is to do the worst, most awful thing imaginable" said Jake.

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