Returning Home

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Jaymee's POV

Returning back to where I used to live after 12 ish years is scary. I have absolutely no clue what I am walking into or if I am even welcomed back here but being alone in California where everyone worried about the next plastic surgery appointment, being famous or anything that is benefitting themselves. From what I can remember is that when I lived here in Sugarland, Texas, everyone got along with everybody. There was hardly anything bad happening. My mind quickly goes to Freddie. He's probably settled down with a wonderful lady and has kids, but the other part of me is hoping he is single. This town has changed so much since I left. I can't remember where I would go to find him. I just hope he knows I didn't have a choice in whether or not I could stay here, I was forced. He probably doesn't want to speak to me anyhow.

I pull up to the apartment I am renting while I'm here and I see across the street from me is a bar. I don't think anything of it. As I finish bringing in all my bags, I stand out on the porch and I see a guy who looks a lot like Freddie. But he isn't alone. He has this half dressed tart hanging off his arm. He's moved on.

I'm look away but as I go to leave the balcony, I hear Rebar shout

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I'm look away but as I go to leave the balcony, I hear Rebar shout


Yup it's him alright.

Freddie's POV

~Freddie~ what's up....
~Rebar~ Bookworm got a hit.

He only means one thing. They got a hit on Jaymee. I look across the street where the apartment buildings are that we own, and I see this chick who looks an awfully a lot like her. Jaymee was always the one who got away. If I had my choice I would of ran to get her back here. I completely space on this chick who doesn't seem to take NO an answer.

~Freddie~ listen Candy, what you wanted to happen isn't happening. So go away.

~Bookworm~ it's her. I found her.

~Candy~ why are you still hung up on some chick who left you....

~Freddie~ because she's the absolute love of my life.

She stomps her feet and goes back inside of the bar.

~Bookworm~ You remember when we got an inquiry about the apart from someone who lived in California but was coming back here? and we sent her the keys after she deposited a years worth of rent into the account for us?

~Freddie~ yeah?

~Bookworm~ It's her. Jaymee returned home. She lives across the street right there.

Shit that means she saw Candy all over me. She probably thinks I wanted nothing to do with her or I haven't even tried finding her.  Truth be told I tried moving on but nobody was her. Jaymee made everything make sense. She made my heart smile, she knew who my dad was as former President of the club and she helped me pass all my classes so I could graduate when I was suppose to. She never judged anyone. I need to make sure she's okay. But seeing as she just moved into the apartment I need to ask if she wants security cameras for her safety.

~Freddie~ I'll be back shortly.

They both shake their heads and laugh at me. Yes I'm still stuck up on the girl who captured my heart all those years ago.

Jaymee's POV

As I am sitting her unpacking my kitchen, there is a knock on my apartment door. I look through the peep hole and I see it's Freddie. He knows I saw the tart on his arm. I open the door and smile.

~Jaymee~ hey it's been a while...
~Freddie~ yeah it has been. How are you?
~Jaymee~ could of been worse. How are you? 

We walk inside and sit down in my living room. After all these years he still leaves me speechless.

~Jaymee~ Your girlfriend won't mind you here?
~Freddie~ There is no girlfriend. She frequents the bar across the street and she tries to get me to take her home. She figures if I let her hug up on me, I will take her back to the clubhouse but I can't.
~Jaymee~ Why?

Freddie's POV

How do I tell her that I haven't been with anyone else as in a relationship since she left? I was always hoping she would come back. I did start sleeping around after a year or two but I stopped when I took over as President.

~Jaymee~ Just tell me....
~Freddie~ When you left 12 years ago, I turned into a fûck boy after two years. Then when I took over as club President I stopped. I wanted to keep an open mind about how to run my club. Doesn't mean it stopped the ladies from trying.
~Jaymee~ so I won't have to punch a hoe?
~Freddie~ Oh you might have too but you remain number one in my books.

She smiles at me. We sit here and continue to catch up on what has happened these last 12 years that we've been apart and she is still just as beautiful as always was. She tells me about her ex who was verbally abusive and I reassure her that she has nothing to worry about. Rebar text me and ask if I'm coming back. I say yeah.

~Freddie~ I'm gonna go back over to the bar. Rebar is hounding me.
~Jaymee~ text him and tell him to come outside and I'll wave at the fucker.

I hug her tightly and we exchange numbers. As I walk back over I see her standing on the balcony. I blow her a kiss and wink. Rebar walks outside. I point across the street. He laughs and waves back at Jaymee. These guys know my feelings towards her. I just hope she feels the same way.

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