Wedding/The End

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A little over 3 months have passed since Jaymee and Steele got engaged to be married. It also means that is has been over 3 months since Plank kidnapped Jaymee from the grocery store when her and Titan were shopping. For about 4 weeks after Jaymee returned home, Titan was still blaming himself for it happening. Nobody within the MC blamed him and why would they because it was a kidnapping and nobody knew Plank was going to kidnap her that day. So in true Jaymee fashion, when Titan blamed himself in front of Jaymee, she calmly walked up to him and slapped him across the face. He had asked her what that was for and she said with a straight face, it was for him still blaming himself. Since then, Titan doesn't blame anyone but Plank and his goon squad. Jaymee does occasionally have some nightmares of being kidnapped and some flashbacks but the guys are extremely understanding and help her work through them. About a week later from that entire incident, club whores from Plank's shït show of a club tried coming into the club saying that Steele and the boys hired them. Jaymee knew right then and there that they weren't hired at all and the guys banned all whores from being here. Jaymee tried telling them this and they didn't believe her. They requested to speak to the Queen of the Mc. When they realized that they had already spoken to the queen and was extremely disrespectful to her, they knew they were done for. She called in Steele. When Jaymee informed him of what was said and what went down, he was absolutely livid. Nobody and I mean nobody ever disrespects the queen as long as he is alive. Needless to say, Jaymee made one phone call to the police and all four ladies were arrested on the spot and had some additional charges planted on them as well.
Jaymee's POV

Today is my wedding day. Today I get to marry the absolute love of my life. My forever best friend, my forever roommate, and the person who calms my inner storm when it is raging. I honestly didn't think that I would ever see Steele again because I had no desire to return back here. But then when things changed. I found myself constantly thinking of him. Every second of every day. He consumed me. Now today is the day he and I have waited for, for the last three months. My nerves were getting the best of me and I was so close to calling it off. But Titan wasn't going to allow it. He jokingly asked me if it was nerves or pregnancy. I looked at him like he done bumped his head. But then I began thinking about when my last period was and he was right. My period was late. Not no two days late but it was more like 3 weeks late. But that wasn't uncommon for me to be late. Well I went to the doctors and found out I was a little over 2 months pregnant. I smiled because I remembered exactly when this little bean was made. It was made after I returned home. And before anyone says anything, no Plank didn't have his way with me. I would of killer him before he ever got close to me. I haven't told Steele yet because I planned on telling him in our vows. As I'm finishing up getting ready, I hear a knock on the door. I see Titan standing there, in jeans and a T-shirt. I didn't have the guys dress up. I left that decision up to them.

Titan~You ready squirt?
Jaymee~ I'm so nervous. I'm nervous to tell him about the baby. What if he isn't wanting to have any kids? What if he ask me to get rid of it after the wedding? What if he makes me choose between him and the baby...
Titan ~ babe he isn't going to do any of that. When you were missing, all he could think about was you and getting you home. He even mentioned having lots and lots of babies with you. So if he for whatever reason ask you to get rid of that baby, you know you always have me having your back, right?
Jaymee~ I do. It's just wedding jitters. Let's do this.


We said our wedding vows and when I said he was a daddy, I wasn't expecting him to cry. But he did. He kissed my tummy and told lil bean he loved them already. He told me in the back before our reception, that he was thinking I was pregnant because I was hardly eating but when I was it was odd food combinations. Maybe he was correct but oh well we are having a baby.



AUTHOR HERE: I'm leaving this story the way it is incase I decide to do a sequel later on. Thank you all for being patient with me as I hardly updated these stories. I appreciate y'all more than you will
Ever know.

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