Going Home

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Jaymee's POV

Two days have passed since Freddie came here to where I have been staying at and practically was waiting on me hand and foot. I tried telling him that he didn't need to do this but he said he felt as if it was necessary for it. So I didn't bother arguing with him again about that.

He turned his phone back on yesterday morning and he was bombarded with numerous messages and voicemails from Demi. She demanded to know where he was, why she wasn't allowed to come with and when he arrives home she wants him in her bed. He doesn't want her at all. Frankly nobody does either. We discussed at length last night when I felt comfortable coming home. I told him that I honestly didn't feel safe at all but if I continued to stay away from the clubhouse then they win and I'm about to let Demi think she get him because I've waited long enough for him and I am not passing this moment anymore.

~Freddie~ What are you thinking about over there?
~Jaymee~ I'm figuring out how we can end Demi and all the whöres from interfering in our relationship.
~Freddie~ Honestly we need to make an example out of Demi since she has caused the most issues for us.
~Jaymee~ Do any of the whores know you were here with me?
~Freddie~ As far as I know they don't. That is one of the reasons communication has been a minimum with Titan and the guys. I honestly don't know if the whores are smart enough to track me or anything.

All I can do is nod right now because I am scared one of them wants me dead and knowing them, they won't stop at nothing until I am.

Freddie's POV

I have never known Jaymee to be a scared woman but she is absolutely terrified of everything. The guys know we will be home late tonight early tomorrow morning. I've told them to not mention anything to the whöres or even in their presence. They all understand completely. They asked how Jaymee is doing and when I have explained to them she is scared of losing me, they understand completely. Rebar and Bookworm said they are keeping a close eye on the ladies. They have locked and secured both my office and my bedroom because they would definitely snoop around. I have a feeling they are working for my rivals and I have been right. I received emails with photos of all the whores with the president of the United Demons. They are ruthless as they come.

~Freddie~ I promise you that they will not cause you any harm at all. Your safety is of upmost importance to me and they guys. So let's get us home.
~Jaymee~ Yes I'm so ready to be home again.


After being on the road for several hours and we have finally arrived back to the clubhouse. Titan and Rebar are outside when they see Jaymee get off the bike. They both run and hug her tightly.

~Titan~ No more running away.
~Jaymee~ I promise. Where are the skanks?
~Rebar~ In the living room bar area. They have no clue you two have returned. Figured you guys wanted to handle that.
~Jaymee~ I just want to get this over with. But I'm not leaving again because if I do they win and they aren't getting my man from me. I refuse to ever let those kind of ladies walk all over me.

After standing outside talking to the guys for a bit, Jaymee and I walk inside. When the door shuts, Demi and her crew turn and look at us. Some look pïssed off and the others look terrified for their lives.

~Demi~ What are you doing here?
~Jaymee~ Well my boyfriend asked me to return home with him and I did.
~Demi~ You wouldn't want him hurt now would you?
~Jaymee~ Oh by you and your crew working for the United Demons? Yeah not happening. On our way back here, we met with their president. Imagine our faces when he said we refused to let y'all leave. Imagine his face when he found out you threatened me and Steel?
~Demi~ We didn't threaten Steel just you. With you gone or dead Steel would pay more attention to the bunch of us....
~Jaymee~ But you did tell me that if I didn't leave him, you would make sure he didn't back from the last run alive which turned out to be a set up because there wasn't a gun shipment now was there?
~Demi~ Fine ever since you returned here it has always been you this you that. He wouldn't even pay attention to anyone of us....
~Steel~ Let's just say this, I never slept with any of you. Last time I did was way before Jaymee came back here. But I'll say this once, it's always been her. Now I have gave you all a warning and you didn't want to listen to me, time you four pay dearly.
~Demi~ How?
~Steel~ You lose your brands.

They try to argue with me about this blaming Jaymee for everything but they realized they have lost dearly over everything. The rival club and us are having a meeting to set up some sort of treaty. We leave them alone and they leave us alone.

Jaymee and I head upstairs to my room and go to sleep. It has been a long and exhausting day for us. I am glad I have my girl back home with me.

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