Kidnapped and Clueless, or is she?

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Jaymee's POV

   That day that Steele had the attitude and Titan told him that he needed to basically go after me and to fight for me. He did. But before hand, I gotten a text message from the rival leader "Plank". He basically wants me. Steele told me that Plank is one of the most ruthless men out there. He told me how he doesn't give two shits about females feelings. He fucks them if they want to or not. Now I totally get it why Steele has been extremely stressed. He's trying to figure out a way to take them down once and for all. I told Steele he needs to be careful because I need him in my life. He told me he will be as safe as he can be doing this. Just for safety measures, they have a tracking device placed under my arm because if I get taken, they can find me.


Titan and I are out grocery shopping and getting items the clubhouse needs. Titan is my best friend within the house. He's super protective of me and that is something we all appreciate.

~Titan~ Hey I have to run two aisle away to grab something, stay here and don't move. If anyone tries to take you, SCREAM!
~Jayme~ Okay.

He goes and is handling whatever he needs to grab. As I am putting things into the cart, I sense someone behind me. I see this man.

I immediately know who this is

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I immediately know who this is. This is the man who said he is going to kidnap me. He thinks I am this weak minded woman and I'm not. He's sorely mistaken.

~Plank~ Hey there princess
~Jayne~ Uh do I know you?
~Plank~ You should because if you don't come with me, then I'll have no other choice but to have Steele killed and his blood will be on your hands.

As I am about to scream for Titan, he sees Plank with his arm around my neck and shoulders.

~Titan~ Let her go!
~Plank~ Nah, she's mine now. Tell Steel payback is a bitch. I win.

Titan nods at me and I know he will tell Steele what has happened. I was told in events this happened, to just do what they say to do and if they try and force themselves on me to fight back.

Titan's POV

I sit there and watch Plank drag out the woman who is like my baby sister out of the store. I stay back a few minutes and then I get in the truck and I hurry back to the clubhouse. Steel is outside working on his bike. He glances up at me and he immediately knows what is about to be said.

~Steele~ When?
~Titan~ About 15 minutes ago. She didn't appear to be scared.

We run inside and have Bookworm start tracking her whereabouts. They are at clubhouse. He has crossed a line. There is a rule you follow and if a female is marked by a club member then you don't take them. Otherwise your life is over.

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