46. The Big Truth Moment.

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Aiden's P.O.V

The loud bang had my heart stop beating for a second. My mind always created the worst scenarios and it wasn't helping me right now. 

I forced my legs to move as I ran towards the source. I halted in my steps as I again heard the sound, closer to me this time. 

I followed the sound when I finally reached the place. Several cars were parked around as shadows seemed to loom all around, along with the occasional gunshots.

My breathing had gone erratic as my heart thumped loudly against my chest in fear as the adrenaline coursed through my body. 

I hid behind a car as I tried to make out the source of the flying bullets which seemed to fly from everywhere. 

I tried to escape from here but it seemed like my only way of returning back was blocked anyways.

Fuck Olivia, why the fuck did you have to wander in the mafia area for god's sake?!

I got up slowly, ready to dash out of this mad place. When I realized the area seemed clear, I got up quickly as I got ready to dash out when all of a sudden my foot hit the tire of the car causing a shriek of pain to escape my lips before I could stop it as I collapsed on the ground. 

The sounds stopped for a second. Suddenly, I heard a man's voice who seemed to speak something nonsense as I guy with a mask on his face got up and pointed towards me.

I was frozen in my spot when I saw a guy from a corner point his gun at me as my eyes widened in fear. My mind finally kicked in as I stooped lower and got back behind the car the moment he shot at me, missing by an inch.

The sounds of the bullets kept getting closer to me as I burst out in sweat, my body going numb. I crept out again as I was suddenly face to face with a masked dude.

He pointed his gun at me as he squinted his eyes at me. He raised his gun as he aimed for my head. Suddenly he pulled the trigger as I let out a cry of fear on hearing the ear shattering sound. 

Suddenly I realized I didn't feel any pain. Weren't you supposed to like, you know, die when you are shot or at least feel pain?

I opened my eyes when I felt someone grasp my hand tightly and pull me in the corner. I looked back as I let out a scream to see a dead body lie just behind me. 

I stared at the person holding my arm in confusion. He... he didn't shoot me, he shot the guy behind me. 

Did he really do that? Wait, maybe he just missed his shot. 

The person yanked my arm as I squatted beside him behind a car again. 

"êtes-vous un idiot complet?!" (are you a complete idiot?!) The person said angrily as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 

"What?" I said in a strained voice as he groaned in frustration as he mumbled, "ça ne fait rien" (Never mind).

Suddenly he pulled me back as he again shot his gun in front. I snapped my head in the direction as I saw another guy lying in a pool of his blood.

Great, just fucking great...

Another masked guy came towards us the person holding me and the other person had a short talk. He narrowed his eyes at me as I nervously gulped on seeing the gun in his hand. 

The guy beside me said something in a warning tone as he rolled his eyes, nodding his head nonetheless as he again ran away. The person beside me stared at me as he sighed loudly. 

"Why can't you listen for once?" He asked again as I twisted my face in confusion. I was about to reply when a masked guy approached us as he waved his hand at us. The guy beside me yanked my arm again as I stood up again. 

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