33. Feelings Take Time...

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Olivia's P.O.V

I continued to stare for some more time at them until I decided to give up. I took a deep breath as I forced my legs to move away from the sight.

I trudged to the kitchen as I planted my butt angrily on the kitchen island. 

"You should have known the result of dating Aiden. He is an asshole!" Marcus grinned as I felt the anger boiling up. I jumped in front of him as I pointed a finger at his chest while growling at him, "Firstly I am not dating him. Secondly, you don't get to call people whatever the fuck you want without knowing anything. Third, I would like you to fuck off from here!" 

His eyes widened as he said, "You are not dating him? So he is using you?" 

Did his fucking ears not hear a word of what I said now? 

"You are impossible!" I huffed as I walked away from him. Suddenly I felt a strong arm catch my wrist and pull me backwards as I found myself pushed against the wall. 

"You don't get to walk away Olivia! What do you see in him, huh?! Were you so fucking blind to see how much I liked you?! Why couldn't you take me instead of him?!" He growled as the stench became worse and his words dripped with venom. 

"I never considered you more than a friend. It is your fault that you expected more out of this! But do you want to know something? After this, I even regret being friends with you!" I spat back. 

He leered in as he whispered to me, "Oh now I don't care Olivia. You are mine!" Saying so, he pushed himself against me as his lips placed sloppy wet kisses on my neck. 

Okay this was enough. I was not the type of girl to cry in this situation or succumb to fate. I fight back these bastards. 

Before he could continue, I brought my knee in contact with his junior forcefully causing him to yelp. Before he could react, I grabbed his arm as I twisted it behind his back making him cry in pain. I pulled back more as I felt his muscles go rigid behind causing the pain to increase even more. 

I punched him hard in his ribs at the back as I whispered to him, "Next time Marcus, don't consider us girls as helpless damsels whom you can claim and use! We surely know how to kick your asses in line so better not fuck with us without our consent!"

He just kept struggling and growling in pain. I pushed him away forcefully as he tumbled on the ground.

Suddenly I remembered what Aiden had predicted about him the first time they both met; he wanted to hit on me.

Gosh why is he always right?!

"Why are you such a fucking predictable asshole?!" I screamed at him as I tried to calm down my anger. I noticed the bottles of alcohol kept on the table.

I was not allowed to have them, as prescribed my my doctor. But my doctor didn't know about the struggle and pain I was going through right now. I needed this. I had to. 

I grabbed the closest bottle, didn't even bother to check what it was. I took a large sip as the gagging feeling kicked in, as the liquid burned in my throat. It had been a while when I last had this. 

I ignored the throb in my head as I took another huge sip. In a matter of no time, I lost count after the fifth sip. Maybe this was my sixteenth sip, maybe my third bottle, I don't know!


Aiden's P.O.V

I am surrounded by idiots.

The high pitched talking and hyena laughs was getting fucking annoying now. I nodded politely and joined the conversation in between but later I slowly drifted out. 

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