48. The Past Hurts More...

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A/N: Alex Lange as Theo Cheshire!

Aiden's P.O.V

Arianna and I had placed a bet on how Noah will react on knowing this truth. I said he will start screaming like a mad woman whereas she claimed that he will curse the hell out of it and act weird for some time. 

Enjoying our game, Oliver too decided to join in, claiming that he will instantly pass out. Theo just stood in a corner as he scowled at all of us and walked away.   

So apparently, when we all approached him alone and brought him at the office and told him about all of the situation, he did something unexpected. 

He started laughing like a maniac. Like literal clutching of stomach and rolling over his ass on the floor. 

Seems like he considered it was a joke. Well that surely made sense for a while to be honest.

He stopped laughing because of Theo. He just walked up to him and pulled out his gun. Without saying anything he just shot in the ceiling as Noah quietened down immediately. 

Then we all saw his eyes roll upwards as he dramatically passed out there and then. I and Arianna stared at him in shock as Oliver let out a victory shout as he suddenly stopped and faced us.

"Too early celebrations? Maybe I can do this after getting him to the doctor." He mumbled to himself as he called upon a few people who swiftly picked him up and carried him out, towards the doctor's clinic. 

Now Arianna is freaking out about losing to Oliver whereas he just grins evilly at the both of us, promising something sinister in his mind. 

"Oh man! You both lost to Oliver, that is not a good thing! Anna knows what is going to happen but it's a first timer for you Aiden! You have seen him kidnap you, so you might have an idea but man! Both of you are screwed!" Theo mocked as he shook his head in fake worry as he walked away with a smug expression.

Well that is just fucking amazing.

Finally when Noah regained consciousness and agreed and understood all of it, then he finally returned to his normal behavior as Arianna gathered courage to face him again. 

We both stood outside his door as she just stared at the doorknob. 

"Come on, we don't have an eternity!" I urged her on as she just shook her head. 

"I can't do this. This is way too much, seeing him behave differently now when he knows the truth. What if he changes? I- I don't want him to be afraid of me, I want all to be normal when I fucking know it is obviously not normal. What if every time he sees me he sees the leader of mafia, daughter of Romano? I can't afford to lose another important person in my life, it will hurt too much. I- I just can't do this-" She started blabbering out.

I had noticed she did that whenever she stressed out about anything. I smiled at her as I placed my hand on her mouth to stop her from speaking. 

"God you speak so much!" I complained, rolling my eyes as she narrowed her eyes at me. 

"You know Noah, he was tense on hearing about it but I am sure he would just get fine with it. Surely we both are new to this stuff but he is a  faster adapter than me. It is fine Arianna. See, I am already used to your name, he will be even better!" I cheerily explained as she finally cracked a smile. 

"You also don't speak less but you don't see me complaining." She murmured, her smile staying intact as I fake glared at her. 

"You will regret saying that!" I warned as I tried to grab her but she was fast enough to open the door and enter causing me to jump in mid air and fall straight on my face. 

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