6. Forgive Me?

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Aiden's P.O.V

"You did WHAT?!" Noah screamed in my ear. 

I glared at him as I said, "I just messed with her! Stop with the fucking tantrum already!"

He groaned loudly as he placed his hands on his face in frustration and said, "You seriously are a fucking idiot! You practically toyed with her feelings! She is so not the type of girl who would let that pass away easily!"

"Are you supporting her over me?!" I hissed angrily.

"Yes I am Aiden! Just forget your big ass ego for a second and think what you just did! Just do that, I give you a minute!" He challenged me. 

I huffed angrily as I went over all that happened. She tried to just have a normal conversation with me and I... brought in my cockiness. She just stated something which caused an itch inside me to prove her wrong. Then... hell bent lose.

"Fuck." I murmured. "Seems like you get what I was trying to explain!" Noah sighed. I groaned as I lowered my head on the couch.

"I fucked up big time, didn't I?" Noah nodded solemnly as he commented, "After what you did, a slap was quite expected. Just the fact that she did that proves that she is not those type of ladies you have had an experience with!"

"What do I do now?" I asked. 

"How am I supposed to know? I am no motherfucking therapist or shrink!" Noah exclaimed dramatically. I pouted sadly as he made a disgusted face and said, "Oh my god Eww! Drop that fucking cute pout, looks so girly! Don't you ever do that again! Ugh! Anyways, you need to apologize to her."

"And you had to state the obvious! Like I will say sorry and she will forgive me!" I huffed. 

"Well maybe you need to apologize in such ways so that she will forgive you and need to keep saying sorry until she accepts!" Noah winked at me. 

"Can't believe I am even thinking about begging for forgiveness at a girl's feet! That is so not my style!" I sighed. 

"Well somethings come with a price! Anyways, it is always you who was slapped and it is on you that whether you want apologize and return back to whatever shit you guys had or wanna pass it on and remain strangers " He shrugged.  

I thought for a while. Was Olivia worth it? I didn't have to think for long because I had decided already, even if it takes a long time, I will have to apologize because I won't be able to bear to be strangers with her. It was some weird feeling, but something about her intrigued me and I couldn't bear with the fact that she would hate me. It made me feel odd and sad that she will not want to be with me to know me better. 

Whoa that was intense! I don't like it! Ugh!

"Fine! Maybe she is worth it! But if this backfires, you won't be around to see it Noah Wilson!" I threatened him as he grinned at me. 

"That is like my bro! Now let's get things evened out! Anyways a slap was not a really good memory you guys would like to remember when you think about each other!" 

"Who slapped who?" I heard Austin as he came out of his room. 

Before I could stop Noah, he babbled out, "Olivia, our neighbor, she slapped him!" I smacked his head as Austin squinted his eyebrows.

"Now you have me hooked! What did you ever do to have her slap you across your face?!" He exclaimed with a really poor attempt to hide his mocking smile. 

"He was basically a major asshole!" Noah commented as he ignored my glare. 

"Whoo! The drama of being a teenager! Thank god I passed that!" Austin sighed.

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