63. Love Is A Big Word

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A/N: Evening outfit look! My girl got some style ;) 

Arianna's P.O.V

My whole body shuddered the moment the thought entered my head, as if an electric jolt was passed throughout my body.

"Princess, you okay?" Aiden asked in a concerned tone, probably noticing the sudden change in my expression.

No no no I am not. I am fucking not okay right now Aiden. I just practically declared to myself that I love you and I don't know what to do! Is it even love? What if it's just stupid infatuation? How do you even know you are in love? I thought that happened only in the books and movies! How do you even understand that you are in love? What is it even meaning? Am I overthinking this?  

"Nothing great. Just tired I guess." I said quietly as he gave me a small smile while standing up.

Right at that moment Noah peeped inside with a protesting officer at his trail.

"I am sorry ma'am but he insisted that he knew you and barged in-" He tried to explain as I raised just one finger as he immediately shut his mouth.

"He is. Leave." I ordered as he disappeared faster than wind while Noah just stared at me with a dumbstruck yet amused look.

"I guess I really underestimated you being the mafia leader!" He chuckled as he walked towards us as I shrugged casually.

"So what? Seventh time in jail and first time for assault! Congratulations dumb fuck!" Noah cheered him as they both fist bumped each other.

"First time in assault? Should I feel proud that it's because of me?" I said sarcastically as Noah and Aiden shook their heads.

"Can we just leave? My feet are cursing and planning to kill me by now! I love shopping but these feet aches are an absolute horror!" Noah whined as I nodded at them. 

The three of us stepped out as the policemen cowered at the sight of me.

"You can go inside. Also you who had tried to be rude and over smart with me, Réfléchissez à deux fois avant de juger qui que ce soit. Vous ne savez jamais qui ils pourraient être. (Think twice before judging anybody. You never know who they might be.)" I said in a serious tone and maybe a little threatening.

"Y-yes ma'am. Je suis désolé pour ça. (I am sorry for that.)" He said quietly as I just graced him with a nod as we walked back to the car.

"What did you say to him?" Aiden asked as soon as we were out of hearing sight.

"Just said goodbye and good night!" I smiled at me as Noah snorted me.

"He must be really scared of greetings then, seeing the way his face paled up." Noah snickered as I quietly winked at him.

"Hey! You guys go to the car. I will be joining in a second." Aiden suddenly spoke up as I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Where are you going?" I asked defiantly as he just shushed me as he pushed both of us towards the car while he jogged away in the opposite direction.

"He is the most complicated guy I have ever seen in my life." Noah chuckled as I sighed in agreement.

"Noah... did he actually never fight before? I mean did he just fight because of me?" I asked hesitatingly as he softly smiled at me.

"Let me tell you a piece of our past Ari. When we had started we had a sort of listed rules. We would  only get in public pranks and vandalism and hacking kind of stuff. Stealing, drugs and fights were a strict no no. Aiden broke a rule twice for you so you can see how whipped he is." Noah quietly chuckled as I bit my lower lip. 

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