29. Knowing You Better...

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Aiden's P.O.V

We both nodded at each other as I chose one ball and grabbed it.

She also grabbed one as she gave me a challenging stare.

"Ready Walker? Not feeling scared, are you?" I smirked.

"Feel scared to do what? Kick your ass? I am ever ready for that Blake!" She smirked back. 

This was mine Olivia... who was technically not mine but she was in my mind... NEVER MIND!

I started first as I swiftly threw my ball. It was a clear strike as I heard Olivia grunt.

She went through as she threw. It rolled over flawlessly and became a clear strike like mine. She flipped her hair in front of my face as I smirked at her.

Well here is the thing, she doesn't know that Noah and I were bowling pros at our place. She surely was good but I was better because I knew this game better than any pro out here.

Sorry princess but the game is kinda rigged!

I threw in again as it again went for a strike. Olivia stared at me looking awestruck. I shrugged at her as she scoffed. She lined in as she threw in. It hit the pins, but leaving two of them. She groaned audibly as I chuckled. She shot me a glare as I raised my eyebrow at her.

I strutted in confidently as I lined the ball. "Wanna bet on a turkey?" I said innocently.

"What's the bet?" She asked crossing her arms. "You do what ever I ask you to do. One timer. Same for you if I lose" I said, trying to hide my grin.

"Fine Blake let's do this!" She said rubbing her palms together. Oh princess you don't know what you got yourself into.

I lined up my ball as I stared intently. I closed my eyes as I imagined the path of the ball. I opened my eyes as I threw the ball with all my force. Just as the ball almost left my hand Olivia screamed loudly causing me to change the direction slightly.

"WHY DID YOU SCREAM?!" I screamed at her as she smirked evilly. "Nobody said I can't cheat!" She said nonchalantly as I glared at her.

We both saw the ball as it hit the pins. All of them fell except one. It kept rolling around. Seriously why?

We both kept staring at it. Finally it stopped rolling as it stood up. Olivia exclaimed happily as I stomped my foot, literally.

Suddenly the pin fell down. It had gotten disbalanced and stood for a second but then fell eventually.

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed this time as Olivia stared at the pin with her mouth gaped open. I laughed in front of her face, rubbing my victory on her face. She pushed me back, showing the finger.

"So, what is it you want?" She scoffed. I shook my head amusedly, "Tut tut princess! I plan on using that later!"

Her posture stiffened a bit as it relaxed back immediately. What was that? 

Oh wait, I called her princess! Just in the moment I had forgotten about my anger towards her. I like that moment.

"Already giving up Olivia?" I returned to my bitch mode. She bobbed her head in denial as she grabbed her ball again and said, "You might have won the bet Blake but I am winning the competition!"

We continued to play for some more rounds. Finally the rounds ended as we both waited for our scores.

I calculated the scores in my mind as I grinned evilly. Finally the scores popped up on the screen as I cheered while Olivia just scowled at me. 

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