72. Secret Weapons

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A/N: Luke Evans as Stephen Smirnov!

Arianna's P.O.V

"Stephen Smirnov. Glad to finally meet you Arianna."

I didn't want, I so fucking badly didn't want it to happen but an involuntary shiver passed throughout my body. 

I was not afraid of him, I repeated in my brain for all these years. But now as I stared into his eyes again as he stood in front of me, I again felt like that small timid girl who fearfully hid behind in her own house as she saw her mom, dad and brother be shot down mercilessly. See them bleed all over, the life draining out of them slowly as I could do absolutely nothing about it.

All the memories flashed back about how I locked myself inside one dark room for days, not talking at all with anyone for almost one month. I remembered the worried eyes of Rosa and James and the hushed whispers which quietened down immediately when I walked in. I remembered the stupid antics Theo and Oliver performed to at least make me smile but everything reminded me of just that day. I just remembered myself trembling in my room at nights, every small wink of sleep scaring me as I lay awake each night, just wishing that I can just forget this all for one night, let the monsters disappear for one night so that maybe once I could sleep.

I didn't even realize that I was clenching my fingernails against my palm so tightly until I felt the stinging sensation and the warm feeling of blood seeping through. Stephen's eyes drifted towards my bloodied fists as he smirked lightly.

"I see I still have an effect on you, don't I?" He spoke in a teasing tone as he stepped closer to me. I could feel his every move taunting me as my eyes screamed revenge and murder. His every step was calculated, every move proving how close yet how far he was from me. He made me feel this helpless feeling, where he knew that even if he was right in front of me, I could do absolutely nothing to him.

"Arianna Romano, the hidden infamous daughter of the Reine and now the leader. Here I was wondering I actually had some worthy competition but all I get is a young girl with a gun bigger than her, challenging me." He sighed dramatically as he walked all around me, surveying me like I was a prey of his which he finally caught.

"What are you waiting for Arianna? Don't you want to kill me? Then come and do it." He smirked at me he crouched right in front of me.

"Open my ties and then we will see who stands the last one smirking." I spat at him as I struggled in my holds causing him to chuckle lightly at me.

"Look at you, all helpless and weak. Can't even lay a finger on me even if you would love to. Where is the rest of your crew? Waiting for your signal?" He looked around as I looked away from him for a second just to glare back instantly.

"I am here alone and enough. After all, I did destroy so many of you right now singlehandedly, didn't I?" I taunted as I saw his jaw clenching before he relaxed again.

"Yet you got captured. Over that you don't even have any sort of backup. I must say this idiocy is surely hereditary."

"So what now Stephen? You keep me tied here and then kill me? This is how it ends?" I challenged him as a dangerous spark rose in his eyes.

"Oh it will, but not so soon. First I want something of mine which you so recklessly stole from me. I would very much like it back." He hissed at me as this time I smirked at him.

"You are never getting your drive back. It will be lost forever just like you will. Only I know the location of that drive, only I can hand it back to you and I am not doing that in a fucking million years." I sneered at him as he harshly gripped my jaw, making me stare at him as he glared at me.

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