Chapter 4: Locked to You

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King had broken every rule he drilled into himself in that wretched place he crawled out of. The days in the cage fights were not easy, and he had seen the side of mankind most people would never even dream about in their entire lives. But now, the same man that had been beaten to death and had vowed to never trust another person again, had forgotten all his vows the moment he laid his eyes on that young high-spirited Centauri.

King had only arrived at the Centauri manor after repeating to himself to behave and stay in control, except lo and behold, Klaus was beaming like an angel at the front door. King's body still remembered the shudder that lashed through his body when he saw Klaus dressed in a dark shirt and a pair of rugged jeans. Klaus was slimmer than his other brothers, but the muscular built was clear under the plain shirt that appeared sinful on Klaus. His golden hair glistened and looked so soft, that King was curious how it'd feel under his hands all through dinner.

The dinner had ended and King was driving home now. He still remembered every little detail about Klaus, and it didn't go unnoticed that King was being watched by his little Centauri the entire night. That's why it was so hard for King to stayed focused on anything else. Anywhere King looked those emerald eyes curiously watched every move of his; it unnerved King's wolf and that wasn't an ordinary occurrence. Nothing deterred King or his demonic wolf. Nothing.

Impatiently, King pressed down on the gas and sped through the empty streets to get home faster. As his car crossed every green light on the dark roads, he wondered what to do now that he was meeting Klaus again tomorrow. Without a doubt, King was eager to meet Klaus, he craved to see what reaction he'd get out of Klaus, and he even considered if that was evil of him to do that to such an innocent creature like Klaus. However, King couldn't resist the temptation of that golden wolf, he tried and miserably failed- tonight proved that to him.

King arrived to his house. He parked his car on the side when he noticed a shadow move across the glorious white-rose hedges, which were neatly trimmed by Bone who took great pride in his gardening skills. King still couldn't believe that Bone had made a bouquet out of his precious roses, but King had to admit that the roses were indeed exquisitely chaste, which were perfect for Klaus.

King locked his car and moved around the house when the shadow moved again. He lingered on the stairs and stared behind the hedge framing the yard. Suddenly, from behind the hedge Bone appeared with his giant hedge trimmer.

"Welcome home, master," Bone was still in his perfect suit, but he had a trench coat on and his neat hair was slightly dishevelled.

"What are you doing out at night, Bone?" King asked with a low huff.

"I was trimming the hedges," Bone answered sternly. "A section needed my immediate attention."

King sighed at his butler's strangeness. "Get inside, Bone," he ordered. "It's cold and I need a drink."

"Was the dinner that distasteful, master?" Bone asked as they entered the house together.

"No, it was surprisingly tasty," said King and he meant it. "That Klaus can cook too...Damn...he's too perfect." King's scowl grew when he climbed up the fleet of stairs with his butler idly following with the hedge trimmer still in his white-gloved hands.

"You enjoyed a stranger's cooking?" Bone was clearly baffled. "I know how picky you can be."

King shot his butler a side-glare. "I like my meals perfect and it was," he mumbled smugly as they entered his massive bedroom.

"How did it go with alpha Centauri?" Bone inquired as he helped his master out of his perfect suit, which was a great choice indeed.

"Gabriel offered a position in his company," said King. He knew that Gabriel didn't say more than that simply because everyone was in the room with them. King believed that Gabriel would discuss his purpose in greater detail when they were alone. "Mostly Sabrina kept me occupied during the dinner."

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