Chapter 5: Fireworks

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This autumn day was brimming with anticipation. The glorious sun was high up in the ocean-blue sky and fortunately there wasn't a single sight of a grey cloud. Instead, up in the sky were fluffy and fat white clouds creating different shapes for the world to admire their brilliance. After all the excruciating waiting, the day had arrived when the senior-students at the Institute were jumping out of bed to get ready for their trip.

However, one person hadn't woken up this fine day with a very pleasant start. A haunting nightmare from his past drowned Klaus in darkness that he prayed to escape all his life.

He laid motionless in bed, unable to move or make a sound about the pain his own memories were cutting into his raw skin. His shirt was drenched in the proof of his rough night, his hair was damp and he felt a burn in his throat and gut.

With a hard jolt. "No!" Klaus shot out of bed in his dark room.

A sliver of light peeked out from behind the curtains and it pierced through Klaus's exhausted eyes. This occurrence wasn't strange or out of the ordinary, Klaus always woke up from the same nightmare ever since he could remember.

Klaus threw off the duvet from his aching body, that wasn't rested at all. His bones, muscles weighed him down as if he had fought a battle all night and now he was bed-ridden. Klaus pushed through the sharp throbbing agony in his chest and got out of bed making his way to the bathroom.

He flicked the light on and it blared in his eyes so he was unable to open them. Klaus went straight to the sink, turned the handle to the coldest temperature and splashed handfuls of icy-cold water on his burning face. Klaus combed his wet fingers through his damp hair raking it all back, he looked up at his reflection, and he saw fear that he recognized really well.

Klaus straightened to his height when a harsh face appeared behind him. A man with amber eyes, an expression twisted with rage, a smile that was full of hatred and evil. Klaus didn't flinch or react because whenever his father came to him, Klaus always took the punishment without resisting. Why would he fight back when he knew that he was the cause of his mother's death?

He was reason Gabriel had to betray their father and fight for the alpha position when he was still kid himself. Klaus also knew that he was the cause for Hunter's rampage, which had forced his brother to suppress his wolf for life. Klaus understood that he lived with the burden that he took Viola and Vincent's mother away before they could barely get to know her. And when Klaus remembered that he was the cause behind the pack's loss too, his heart ripped into pieces after he tried to put it back together.

"Mom," he whispered the foreign word.

Klaus was never able to use that word in his life. It seemed that he wasn't blessed to experience when someone loved unconditionally. The only thing Klaus experienced was his father's ruthless hate towards the son who took his mate away just by being born.

Klaus irritably stripped out of his damp shirt and pants. He turned the shower on high and got under the cascade of harsh water, that felt as sharp as needles. He tried his hardest to wash the pain off himself, but what would he do with the ache inside his body. Klaus didn't know how to forget the pain that his past caused him, he was lost in this harsh storm unable to get out or escape its wrath.

Klaus slammed his hand over the handle which shut the water off. It took him a long moment for him to relax. Klaus gathered his thoughts and reminded himself that his father couldn't hurt him if he didn't allow it. Klaus repeated his every rule like a mantra to forget this pain again. Cutting through his trauma that he hadn't worked out really well, Klaus got ready for the trip.

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