Chapter 16: Sweet Claws

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It seemed that no one took it into account how hectic this night was going to get; not that it was much of a surprise to Klaus. He had no problem handling his family, the kids from the Institute, his entire pack and his lonesome mate who avoided crowds like it was the plague.

Klaus was amongst the kids making sure they didn't start a competition in the middle of the field over who got the most candy. Once the senior students had arrived, Klaus thought that the ruckus would decrease. But boy, was he wrong. Leo, Dante, Levi, Jake, John had gathered more of their friends and they all wreaked havoc with the pups, who didn't have Hailey's supervision to keep them calm. Klaus had to call Hunter to get them all back under his control; only after Hunter scolded them did the kids take a seat. Since the pups didn't get scared at all and instead they continued their squabble, Leo and his friends grabbed the pups and took them far from Hunter.

As more pack members arrived; Sabrina's manager, Helen Chastain had promptly arrived too. She was dressed for the occasion, posing as the wicked witch of the west, but the red edition. A pointy black witch hat covered her short black hair, her doe eyes surrounded with makeup and she wore as much dark jewellery as she could. Her small hands were full with gifts when she went straight to Sabrina who was happy to welcome her inside the house for the baby shower.

Finally, when the pack settled down, Klaus thought he'd get to spend some time with King. Except when did anything go as he hoped because multiple cars appeared the moment Klaus made his way back to King's side. Through the gates, two cars drove over towards the parking lot at the manor.

Klaus recognized the cars instantly because they belonged to the Iron Blood pack. They had become close friends with the Centauri wolves and an ally pack with Gabriel. The Iron Blood pack was ruled by three brothers; their alpha was the eldest brother who had defeated his abusive father and freed his younger brothers from his terrible reign.

The two cars that drove up towards the house were quick to be emptied. Isaiah's youngest brother Zeiden Iron, and their best friend Ronin, had gotten out with enthusiasm beaming from their faces, except Isaiah's cousin Adrik Vasiliev seemed less impressed.

Zeiden reminded Klaus of Ryder in the sense of how he bothered his siblings a lot. Zeiden was much more playful than his older brothers and he definitely had a kinder face, although his towering height and killer body was trained to do just that, kill. He was trained ruthlessly like his brothers and Zeiden was definitely a formidable wolf too. Zeiden's sterling blue eyes shined brighter at night, he had dark black hair; tousled and unbothered. He was well dressed in black jeans matching with a dark buttoned-up shirt, that stood out against the bright red leather jacket which fitted to his muscular body perfectly. Zeiden definitely looked deadly handsome and his attractive smile just added to his charm.

Ronin was taller than Zeiden and more mature as well. His face was rugged but he appeared youthful whenever he smiled, like how he was now. Following the dress code for tonight, he also wore a dark-red dress shirt and black trousers. Ronin's hands were tucked in his pockets and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up showing his strong forearms, that were lightly dusted with auburn hair, which matched his auburn hair that was raked back away from his intelligent greenish gold eyes. But Klaus wasn't fooled by Ronin's charismatic smile and clever hazel eyes because he was a dangerous wolf just as much as he was a dangerous detective.

But from both of the men, Adrik was the scariest. He had locked the car and joined Ronin and Zeiden who he not only towered over but out-sized as well. The man chose to wear all black despite the dress code, but Klaus doubted that Adrik owned any other colour. Also, who was going to point it out to him? thought Klaus, no one had the guts.

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