Chapter 24: Always & Forever

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Death was something that King had seen since his birth. Lives were taken in a flash in front of his eyes, like it wasn't a precious soul, but mere cargo to be transported to another realm. So, at this point in his life, he didn't feel much for it except like he greeted an old friend. However, sitting in the car, as Bone patiently drove them to hospital, Klaus sat with a paled expression; an expression that spoke so much more than words.

"It's going to be fine," King broke the silence first.

Klaus drew in a deep breath. "I know," he answered.

"Then what are worried about?" asked King as they arrived at the entrance of the hospital.

Klaus unbuckled his seatbelt in a hurry. "Gabriel," he muttered as if a prayer, and got out to join his brother's side.

King didn't expect anything different from his mate, and now, respected husband. "Honey, won't you wait for me?" he jested.

Klaus craned his head back down to face King who was still in the car pensively daydreaming. "Come on then, hurry up," he urged.

King chuckled and got out of the car. He rounded the hood and laced his hand into Klaus's without hesitation. They united with the rest of the pack and Bone joined King's side too. They all went directly to Dr. Stone who had called them earlier about the news. When they arrived at the VIP ward, Dr. Stone was waiting behind the glass doors for them. Gabriel entered before any of them and she met his eyes, that were without a doubt, precariously troubled.

Cedric rose from the chair and met Gabriel as well. The three shared a brief conversation before Dr. Stone took them to a private room at the end of the ward. It was secluded and darker here, without a doubt in any of them, that the body had been sent to be taken care of privately.

King looked to his side and found that Klaus had a calm expression of no angst or unease. His mate's emerald eyes seemed only glued onto Gabriel and his siblings. King tightened his hand around Klaus, reassuring him that King watched over him too.

"Are you ready?" Dr. Stone asked Gabriel.

Gabriel turned and looked directly at Klaus who was strong for them all. Klaus stepped up with King and they both went into the vacant room were Robert Centauri laid under a white sheet, on a metal rail in the centre of an empty, dark room. King wasn't expecting too much darkness or the cold, but the temperature was lower than normal and the lights were definitely dimmed more. Dr. Stone went over to the body and lifted the white cloth off of Robert's pale, thin face.

The Centauri siblings all froze when she had done that. They didn't know how to react or behave with their father laid out motionless. Hunter put his hand on Viola's shoulder who had looked away the moment the cloth had come off. She left the room and so did Vincent who followed his sister out of concern. Ryder and River were waiting out of the room too.

Gabriel looked at Dr. Stone. "How long has it been?" he asked.

"Only an hour," she replied. "I believe he passed away in his sleep after he took the pain killers."

"He took the pain killers?" astounded Hunter.

"Yes," Cedric answered for her. "He said that he'd take them for all of you." Cedric's eyes went directly to Klaus, but Klaus hadn't given any indication that he heard or even cared.

"I can keep the body until you arrange his funeral," offered Dr. Stone.

"Thank you," said Gabriel. "We will have his funeral ready in about two weeks."

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