Chapter 13: Baby, Come Here

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They arrived at the Centauri pack territory and Klaus parked the car outside the house. King looked through the rear-view mirror and saw that the five cheeky pups had arrived as well. The dark green Aston Martin pulled up beside them looking exactly like how King left it. King definitely didn't show it, but he let out a breath of relief before he got out from Klaus's car.

"That went well," bemused Klaus as he rounded the hood of the car.

King's glower wasn't amused. "I'm going to kill them if there's a scratch," he warned, "and even you can't stop me."

Klaus snickered. "Come on," he patted King's shoulder.

They went over to the kids who were expressing their excitement loud enough for the entire pack to hear them. Klaus shushed them and Leo got out last after turning the engine off. The first thing he saw when he got out was King's intimidating stature and ominous blue eyes.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Leo asked Klaus who was containing himself from laughing out loud. Leo grinned smugly at King. "You're not so bad," he said. "Thanks for letting us get away with bothering you."

King hadn't excepted that. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

Leo passed the keys to King. "We didn't think you'd let us drive one of your cars," he shared. "But you did. So, thanks for that." The other kids smiled and thanked King too.

King regarded Klaus who was beside them. Somehow King knew that this was just Klaus's good influence on them. "You're welcome," he told them.

"You know, I think we'll have fun with your Mustang collection next," jested John.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," grumbled King making the kids laugh more.

"Alright, all of you head to the library now," said Klaus pushing them towards the school. "We still have a lot more to cover if you want to be on the Honour Roll's list again."

King's ears perked. "Again?" he inquired. An Honour Roll's list was a series of students who were recognized for achieving high grades or high marks in their coursework at school. But King thought that these boys were struggling to achieve even a simple average grade of sixty-five percent, which was why they needed Klaus in the first place.

The boys all turned with an amused look playing on their faces. "Did we forget to mention that?" Leo mocked towards Dante and the others. "We've all got the highest grades in the entire Institute."

King gaped. "What the hell?" he astonished and looked at Klaus who was simply nodding in agreement.

Dante raked his silver hair. "We're the top students in the school," he gloated. "Each one of us have an average of ninety-five to nighty-seven percentage."

"So then, what the hell do you need a tutor for?" asked King.

"Have you seen Klaus's exams," groaned Jake. "They're Hell on paper."

Levi groaned with his brother. "We still have to worry about Viola's exam," he added and his friend grew quiet in despair. "She's the real villain of this school." They all went off towards the library talking about another biology teacher of theirs whose exam lasted the full two hours.

"Those pups," King shook his head.

"They're a handful," added Klaus. He put his hand on King's shoulder. "So, try not to get caught up in their innocent act." Klaus's emerald glimmered.

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