Chapter 14: Beastly Passions

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The night had come to an end and every one of the Centauri pack members had returned to their cabins. Most of the residents in the Centauri manor had already washed the dishes after enjoying homemade Mac and cheese, that was definitely a great choice to beat the cold October night. Although, King would be lying if he said that he enjoyed dinner- not that it wasn't delicious, it was; but because there was this drowning voice humming in the back his mind, that hadn't left him alone. His wolf grew irate and King held this taciturn tension inside his body, not letting the family around him know what swan through his head.

After a few drinks with Gabriel and River, King walked out of the house onto the porch in a hurry to leave for his house, where he was most comfortable to execute his plans that he'd been tampering all this time. Klaus was quick to follow after he told his big brothers where he was headed off to.

Standing on the wide porch, King waited for Klaus to come to him willingly.

King was quiet through dinner and late-night drinks because his mind kept playing a single thought, but no one found it suspicious since he was always quiet. Klaus had asked him a few times if something was wrong, because Klaus could sense the tension through the bonding mark. And each time Klaus had skimmed King's arm with his soft touch, and the more he pushed King to the edge. It was dangerous how close he was to Klaus this entire time. King grew unsettled, and more than ever, he was consumed by one thought, which was to claim Klaus right fucking now.

Klaus walked out of the house with an eased smile. "You ready to go?" he asked.

"Definitely," King's voice came out in a growl, because he was hanging on the last string of patience. King unlocked the door to the car that Leo had driven over here.

"Maybe, I should drive," suggest Klaus.

"No," asserted King. "I'm driving."

"But your arm," objected Klaus. "I don't want you over-exerting yourself."

King's jaw locked as he drew in a breath, he turned towards his mate. "I need to drive," he said rigidly, otherwise if his hands that were itching to touch Klaus, weren't occupied in the tight space of the car who knows what he would do. King got in the car, and so did Klaus, without any further argument after sensing King's risky mood.

Once they set out on the highways back to King's manor. "Are you okay?" Klaus had asked wearily.

King's hand fisted the steering wheel, the knuckles turning so white that the black of his tattoos looked darker than ashes. "Yup, perfect," he gritted out.

"You sure? Because you seem a bit tense," believed Klaus.

King shifted in his seat, his aroused shaft causing him impending pain. "Damn," he growled. He stepped on the gas and raced home.

Since the streets were fairly empty and King was driving a sports car, they reached his house in record time.

The black metal gates of the black manor appeared and King was relieved when the gates opened on command. King drove up the path and didn't even bother parking the car in the garage. He turned the engine off and left the keys in the car, so Bone could park it in the morning because King didn't care right now. King unlocked the door to the house himself as he knew that Bone would be in bed by now, since it was past midnight. The door opened and he rushed inside, Klaus locked the door behind him.

"Where's Bone?" asked Klaus casually looking around the empty manor.

"He's in bed," answered King, his deep voice barely audibly.

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