L x Vampire! Reader // PART 1

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AU: L brings in what he thinks to be an injured bat from outside, only to find in the morning you were passed out in his living room.

~♡~L's POV~♡~

"What a long night..."

I mutter to myself, walking up the stairs to my apartment while I think of nothing but getting home. On my way up the third set of stairs while I exhaustedly make my way up, I happen to spot a small black lump in the stairwell, catching my attention.

Stepping closer, I tilt my head and place an index finger to my lips when I notice it was a little bat laying there. Certainly odd, I can't even remember the last time I saw one, especially in a place like this.

"How did you get in?"

I ask, crouching down and seeing that it was indeed breathing, which was good. Figuring I've gone as far as making sure its alive, I decide I can't consciously leave it there without feeling somewhat guilty. Covering my hand with my sleeve, I nudge it gently with the knuckle of my index finger, quickly pulling it back in case it wakes up...But it didn't respond to my touch at all.

Figuring my apartment was only up the next flight of stairs, I quickly make my way up the last stetch before getting inside and grabbing an old towel that I never used from the bathroom. After that, I think for a moment about what I'm going to carry this thing in, before I remember I had an empty cardboard filing box in the closet that would do nicely.

Rifling around for longer than I care to admit, I finally find the box in question, and shove the towel in awkwardly. It was a bit big, but at least it will probably be comfortable for the poor thing.

Once satisfied with my haphazard job, I grab my keys and walk towards the door, slowing down before wondering how I would pick the bat up. Doing so with my bare hands probably wasn't a good idea, and the thought of touching it just as is made me shiver slightly. I glance around the room as I try and think of something on the fly, and eventually, the idea of kitchen tongs come to mind. Figuring there was limited other options, I settle on that- figuring it was the best choice available if I didn't want to touch it directly. Spending a moment or two in the kitchen, I finally find a pair before throwing them in the box, finally heading out to go retrieve the small creature I was now oddly determined to save.

Once down the stairs again, I crouch down before Placing the box down softly, retrieving the tongs and clicking them together a few times as my eyes trace back down to the bat again. It hadn't moved, but I was admittedly nervous to pick it up.

"Please don't wake up and give me rabies..."

I mutter, quickly grabbing it and placing it down on the soft towel in one quick motion, immediately stepping back to make sure I hadn't accidentally startled it. Sighing with relief when it doesn't stir, I slowly pick up the cardboard box again before heading upstairs.

Once back, I gently put it out on the small balcony of my apartment and add a small container of water in with it, hoping it would be okay....I suppose worst case, I could have the comfort of knowing I didn't allow it to die in a cold stairwell on the floor.

~♡~the next morning~♡~

It was coming up on the afternoon, and I had been up for quite a few hours in my room trying to get a bit of early work done on my computer. The sun was just starting to make its way onto my apartment windows, and Admittedly, I had allowed my little guest from last night completely slip from my mind...That was until I suddenly hear the glass door to the balcony open and slam back shut, as well as someone swearing profusely as they come in, the curtains quickly and loudly being drawn.

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