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A/N: Heyo! Just wanna say that the co writer thing is still open! I'm graduating and have a whole lot of stuff going on, so updates will be slow and some help would be great! DM if you want to help write some chapters :)

You and L were having...What you could call a rough patch in your relationship. It could be attributed to the case, or to how little time you had together, but the point was, you were constantly on edge, with stupid arguments being common between you two.

The worst part was, when you were arguing, you became emotional, and he became a brick wall. But the most frustrating thing was he always had to be right, no matter what the issue was. And you had enough.

"Why cant you ever listen to me?!"

You ask, caught in yet another argument with each other.

"Because, for one, you're being irrational, and two, it's silly anyway (y/n). I dont see why you're so upset."

He says in the usual snide tone he took in arguments, and you feel your frustration before looking back up.

"Its more than that! I've forgotten about it time and time again, but you just...Never see my side of things anymore! I just want you to stop acting like you're right all the time no matter what!"

You say, feeling your voice wavering. Seeing how you were starting to get emotional, he sighs before turning around.

"Oh, here we go again."

He says passively, and you sniff before getting angry.

"You know what? Fine. I'm done with trying to reason with you."

You say, grabbing your coat and shoving your feet into your boots before opening the door to your apartment.

"What? Where are you going?"

He calls after you, but you ignore him as you walk from your apartment to the main floor of the task force building, passing through the main investigation room on your way out.

"(y/n), wait, I'm sorry- I..."

He tries to say, but you spin around, not caring if anyone saw your tear stained face.

"You're sorry? It's a little late for that, dont you think??"

You say, and he pauses while everyone looks over.

"Don't follow me or contact me for awhile please. I need space, and I don't want to hear excuses. I'm sick of it, and I'm done. I'll have my reports in by tomorrow, but don't bother me."

You say firmly, wiping your eyes as you try and keep your composure.

"Bye L."

You say finally, slamming the door and walking out of headquarters without looking back.

~♡~L's POV~♡~

I pause after (y/n) left, at a loss of what to do. This was...Real this time. I didnt think...

"Whoa...What happened?"

Light asks, breaking the tense silence while pulling me out of thought. I dont answer, and I walk to the interface, sitting down before pulling over some cake while trying to contain my feelings of frustration.

"Nothing. I'm sorry you all had to see that."

I say, and Misa huffs before walking up to me, crossing her arms.

"It didnt seem like nothing to me. She was clearly upset, what did you do?!"

She asks, and I feel a pang of irritation as I jab a fork into the soft cake.

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