Undercover Mission pt. 2

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~♡~L's POV~♡~

It had been over 15 minutes since (y/n) began her dance with the man we were after. No sign of her at all. Though...I haven't been notified that there is an emergency, so I'm sure she's there somewhere, right?

I think, leaning against the wall as I tapped my foot impatiently, getting annoyed. As far as he knew, I was her husband, was I not? Quite rude to keep me waiting so long, really.

I then wait another five minuets, and sigh as I look at the massive crystal chandelier above the room, beginning to get worried, and honestly, more than a little frusturated and impatient. before long, I catch myself walking up the stairs and up to the balcony, getting a bird's eye view of the ballroom below.

She wasn't there. Nor was he. As I realize this, my stomach twists, and I almost run downstairs again before noticing something glimmering on the polished dance floor.

It was the necklace.

Swallowing hard, I feel everything in the room become more distant and muddled, until it was completely quiet. I was beginning to panic. How did he know about us? How did he know about the necklace? Where did they go?

For a moment, I contemplate calling backup, but I pause. He probably has (y/n) hostage somewhere in the building. If they found out that backup were on the way, it could cost her life, and potentially mine too.

I had to take matters into my own hands...For now.

Without thinking, I make my way over to the door in the back. It was the only place they could have gone. Trying not to draw attention, I slip into it, luckily without anyone noticing.

Once the door had closed, it was silent. Eerily silent. I could hear my own breathing and my heart thumping. Where did they take her? Is she okay?

Where would they have taken her?

I repeat it in my head as I stay frozen by the door, trying to think straight.

This wasn't part of the plan at all.

~♡~Your POV~♡~

"Let go of me!"

You yell as you're dragged by your arm into a small room, only to be thrown down on an elegant red sofa.

"What agency are you from?"

He snaps as he steps closer, and you back away slightly.

"I-I don't understand, please....W-Where's my husband?"

You sniff, forcing out fake tears as you try to keep your act up, hoping he would let you go. He laughs in response as he leans closer, taking out a sleek pistol from his jacket while he corners you on the couch.

"I'll give you one more chance. Tell me now."

He almost whispers as he holds it to your head, and you swallow hard as you begin to panic, the tears becoming real.

"What. Agency."

He says sternly as he puts his finger on the trigger, and you begin shaking as you wonder what to do. Your life could end any second.


He counts, and you swallow hard, suddenly unable to talk, let alone think.


You didn't know you would die here. There had to be something you could do.


Three seconds is a lot of time to think of something...Right? Then again, three seconds left to live is nothing.

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