NSFW Headcannons

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NOTE: THESE ARE NOT CANON. ((Also lol I gotta s i m m e r with the NSFW lmaoo)))



♡It doesnt take much to get him to think dirty thoughts, and something as simple as you stretching upwards and making your shirt tighten is enough to make his mind wander..

♡he is always dtf no matter when or where you are. If you're down, he is.

♡he loves receiving oral, and thinks it's the sexiest thing in the world when you glance up at him.

♡you've snuck off at work more than a few times to the washroom, especially on days where L is particularly stressed in HQ. though it gets a little suspicious when you both come back..

♡If you two start watching a movie, theres a good chance you'll both be too distracted at the end to finish it.

♡He only ever wants to do something if you're comfortable with it. If not, then he will stop immediately.

♡He absolutely has a bondage thing. Handcuffs are something he loves, but red ribbon is a close contender.

♡When he wants to use handcuffs, a lot of the time he will suddenly put you 'under arrest', then take you to be punished in the bedroom.

♡If hes tense, the best way to get his mind off things is to take him to the bedroom and let him take control.

♡If hes ever at work and you're bored at home, sometimes you'll send some suggestive photos of yourself to let him know what hes missing. Be ready for when he gets home though...

♡If you sit in his lap with both legs on either side of him, hes basically under your control. Give him kisses down his jaw, and you can get anything you want.

♡Hes not one to skirt around what he wants. If he wants something, hes not afraid to say it. And if you want something, he needs you to make it clear.

♡Unplanned pregnancy is something that t e r r i f i e s him. As long as you're not explicitly trying to have a baby, he takes probably every precautionary measure he possibly can.

♡He's never particularly loud, but when he's sure nobody is going to hear you two, hes not too afraid to make some noise.

♡When you wear your perfume and it lingers in the bed or where you've been, it 1000% turns him on

♡Even though public endeavors are risky, SiGN HiM thE fUCk uP.

♡He enjoys using whipped cream every now and again and licking it off your body, but not all the time due to the mess it makes. Nobody likes having a sticky body and bed.

♡If you ever wear lacy lingerie, especially if its red, he becomes w e a k.

♡If you wear said lingerie under your regular clothes, and he discovers it while you're getting undressed, you're probably not going to walk properly tomorrow.

♡The only time you'll hear him swear is when hes reaching his climax, and you swear it's the sexiest thing in the world.

♡The only time he gets some proper sleep is after you both finish. It gives you a good reason to 'help him rest' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

♡If theres a day where you get hit on by another guy, or see your ex out in public, his jealousy will translate into him being a bit rough with you in the bedroom that night. It's not anger, he just wants to make you know you're his.

♡That being said however, if he ever actually hurts you by accident, he'll do nothing but apologize and immediately be a bit more gentle.

♡being spontaneous out of lust and desire vs making love are two completely seperate things in his mind. One is for fun and pleasure, while the other is to show that he cares for you and loves you more than anything.

♡If you tell him to stop, he will. It doesnt matter how far in you two are.

♡He's 100000% horny all the goddamn time.

♡doing it in the shower is a favourite of his.

♡Although he really enjoys doin the deed, he hates the mess it makes sometimes. More often than not you'll both hop in the shower after, but that usually just leads to round 2 in there.

♡that's partly the reason he enjoys doing it in the shower anyway, as it avoids the cleanup.

♡Your consent is his absolute top priority. If you say no, it's no. Period.

♡He feels pretty accomplished if you're sore the next morning...But he feels a bit bad at the same time.

♡The riskiest place you've ever done something sexual was in a photo booth.

♡The riskiest thing you've done is give him oral while hes talking over his intercom. You thought he might have blown his cover before while doing exactly that, but nobody ever said anything, so....

♡His aftercare is amazing. Plenty of cuddles and back massages, while he lightly kisses the marks he made while he makes sure you feel loved.

♡He's a little insecure still despite your reassurance, so every time you do something he prefers the lights to be off.

♡Valentine's day is always amazing with him. Lots of affection and gifts, but also it's a night where you can have some extra fun ;))))

♡What adds to valentines day (for you at least), is the effort he puts into the romantic setup. Rose petals, chocolates, mood lighting with candles, a nice bubble bath.. The whole thing. No effort is spared, and he makes sure you feel like a queen for the day.

♡Since his birthday is on halloween, it gives you a decent excuse to wear a special little costume just for him.

♡Trick or Treaters knocking on your door have interrupted more than a few times though.

♡He love/hates it when you act like a tease all day. Loves it because it it makes him all hot and bothered, but hates it because like?? We're at work??  Now I can't get up in front of anyone anymore thanks to you.

♡He absolutely loves it when you say his name during. It's frustrating when you can't though due to the case, and staying at the task force building makes it too risky to say it out loud. Whispering though.. He can make an exception for that.

♡Once hes turned on, hes going to stay turned on until he can do something about it. It's torture for him, but it makes for a good time later.

♡If ever hes not in a romantic mood, which is rare but still happens, he doesnt really like physical touch at all. A hug is okay, but sometimes he just needs a bit of space.

♡Quickies before work are a common thing for you two.

♡So was sneaking off during work...But that stopped for awhile when you were caught once. Whoops.

♡Leaving marks on your neck is a guilty pleasure.

♡He likes being soft and romantic more than being fully dominant. He feels like it shows his love more. Although if you want him to be dominant, he will in a heartbeat.

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