Broken Promises

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It was another long night where I had to work late. I hated constantly doing this to (y/n). I kept making promises of coming home on time so I could go out with her or something, but I could never keep them. Not once. She always tells me that it's ok, and she understands that I need to do what is needed to be done, but I still can't help but feel like I'm hurting her. Every time I say 'Actually, I can't this week' or 'not today', I feel as if I'm getting her hopes up for nothing. It's...Painful, probably for both of us.

I think of this as I exhaustedly open the front door to our home, immediately taking notice all the lights in the house were off. Telling me I had broken yet another promise.

'I'll be home early enough that we can watch a movie then go to sleep together, alright?'

My own words ring in my head as I run my hand through my hair, pressing on up the stairs to see my (y/n). As much as I loved her, I felt like I was breaking her heart by doing these sorts of things. I tried not to, I really did. Just today I was desperately trying to get out of work early so I could finally accomplish what (y/n) wanted, and probably needed. But of course, I couldn't.

My endless trail of thoughts stops for a split second as I open the door to our room to see the most important person in my world laying sound asleep, the thin blankets for the warm summer evening gracing her form and gently hugging every curve on her beautiful physique. I gently close the door behind me and slip under the comfortable sheets, and of course (y/n) was warm and soft as she always was. I couldn't believe myself for missing out on spending time with such an amazing and beautiful person. I think of this as I wrap her in my arms, and she turns over and quickly accepts the gesture with her own warm embrace. I was surprised she still loved me at all. The fact that I couldn't keep a simple task such as 'we can fall asleep together tonight', made me so angry with myself. (y/n) doesn't deserve this. I didn't deserve her.

"Mm...Lawliet, is that you?"

I hear her ask in her beautiful small mumble, and I part some of her hair to the side as I give her a shaky kiss on her forehead.

"Yes sweetheart. I'm finally home."

"You broke your promise."

She says, causing me to flinch slightly.

"I-I know, and I'm so sorry. It seems I can never keep these."

I say as I look at her perfect half open eyes.

"It's...Ok. I understand that you're needed where you work, and I know you try your best but it's just hard sometimes to do everything at once."

She says as she draws small circles on my chest with her fingertip.

"What did I do to deserve you...?"

I ask as I give her another kiss on her forehead, feeling some trapped emotions trying to escape my body.

"I should be asking the same thing you know."

She says sleepily as she shifts a little closer.

"No you shouldn't."

I answer in a whisper as I twist some of her smooth freshly washed hair around my finger. I sigh as I bring my whole universe closer to my body, feeling her warmth against me as she falls in and out of a peaceful sleep.

"But you know what?"

I say out of the blue, catching her attention as she half opens her eyes again.

"I have the day off tomorrow, so we can do whatever you like sweetheart."

I say as I feel my voice slightly shake, worrying she wouldn't believe me or she would expect it to be another empty promise.

"Do you really promise me this time?"

She asks as I feel her gently cup my cheek with her smooth hand.

"Yes. I promise. Cross my heart."

I say as I trace my finger across the thin fabric of my shirt in the shape of an X. She smiles in response and snuggles into me, and I look towards the ceiling as I fall into thought again.

I swore, I had no idea how (y/n) still trusted me or how she loved me at all, but I was the luckiest person on earth to have someone like her in my life.

And that's the 100% truth.



Hello again! So I'm sorry that this chapter is so short, but it was just a small thing I wrote at like 1:00 in the morning because I thought it would be cute. I hope you enjoyed it :} anyway, I'm working on all the requests now, so fear not if yours hasn't been published yet! I assure you at some point it will be!

-Galaxy Cats🐱

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