Harry Potter AU

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You were always late. Always. Normally it wasnt a huge deal, but when you had a total of 2 minuets to make the train to Hogwarts, well....That's when you started to worry.

You frantically think of this as you book through Kings Cross Station, checking the time on a small golden pocket watch you had, speeding up as you race toward platform 9 and 10. You were just praying you were going to make it as you push your trunk with all your belongings, your cat in her carrier on top holding in for dear life.

Finally spotting the platform, you run full tilt towards the wall, and by some miracle, you manage to get through, feeling a wash of relief as you see the glimmering steam engine readying up to go. Knowing you were quite literally there last minute, you see the conductor making sure the compartments were closed as he walks toward the front of the train.

"E-excuse me, sir! Is there still time to get on?"

You ask, still quite out of breath.

"You're late."

He says, and you swallow as you try and regain your composure.

"I-I know. I'm sorry."

You say, and give him your ticket.

"Alright then. Get on. I'll take your bags."

He says, and you sigh with relief. Taking your obviously disgruntled cat into the nearest car, you walk through and look around, seeing that everywhere was full.

Finally after you walked through the whole train well after it started moving, you finally see a compartment near the back that seemed like it was empty. Looking in, you see a dark haired boy reading a book, already dressed in Ravenclaw robes. Lightly tapping the door, he looks up with two grey eyes, and you awkwardly slide the door open before shifting.

"U-um.. everywhere else is full. Do you mind if.."

You trail off, looking down.


He says, returning to reading. Sitting down and settling in, you look at the book he had, and it was a Sherlock Holmes. Cool. That meant he was from the muggle world like you were.

"You're from the muggle world too?"

You ask to make small conversation, and he looks up again.

"Yea, I am. I live in London."

He answers, closing the novel.

"I'm from out in the country. It's pretty far...Which is probably why I almost missed the train."

You laugh, and he smiles slightly.

"That was you who ran into the station?"

He asks, and you feel heat quickly gathering on your face.

"Y-yea, you saw?"

You giggle, letting your cat out of her carrier and onto your lap.

"I did. Honestly I didnt think you would make it on."

He says in a monotone voice, and you nod as you let your hand trace to the back of your head.

"Me neither to be honest."

You laugh, and he shakes his head as he looks out the window.

"So what's your name, anyway? I'm (y/n)."

You say, and he considers for a moment before answering.

"I usually just go by L, honestly."

He says, and you nod as you couldnt help but think he was a little peculiar.

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