Runaways // part 2

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"I'm going to miss you, you know."

L finally mumbles, his voice wavering only slightly at the end of his sentence. You feel your tears building again before hugging him tightly, to which he returns, putting his head into your shoulder and not daring to look up.

"Will you be back..?"

You ask, and he remains silent and unmoving.

"You're not saying anything. Please tell me."

"It means I don't know if I'll be coming back here anytime soon...Or ever. I'm so sorry (y/n), but I don't have a choice."

He answers, and you couldn't help but cry as he held you softly. Who knew that today, just like any other you would spend together, was the last time you may ever see him.

It made you furious.

"I didn't tell you because I care about you...And it scared me."

He mumbles, and you take a shaky deep breath, stepping away as your feelings of sadness quickly get replaced with a cold anger. Wiping your tears, you look up at him before jamming your pockets in your coat.

"Because you care? You certainly have a very funny way of showing it then."

You angrily state, turning around before you feel your hand being grabbed.

"I don't want to leave you (y/n)."

He finally admits, and you turn toward him only slightly.

"You know that."

he continues in a mumble, and you soften slightly as you squeeze his hand, looking down at the matching bracelets.

"So after tonight...I won't ever see you again?"

"Probably not."

He answers honestly, not daring to meet your gaze.

"There has to be something we can do. Right? There has to be..."

"Realistically...There isn't. Unless we ran away together or something."

He says, in a slight joking manor...But then you both fall silent.

"I...Have family across the country."

You say without even thinking, frankly in disbelief that the words were coming out of your mouth. But before long, you found yourselves talking about it. At first in a joking, almost non-serious way as you reluctantly walked back, but as the evening set in, the conversation turned toward the question of how rather than what if.

It's not like it would be that hard on your family...Hell, they rarely ever noticed that you had run off with L for the day. Not like they would notice you left all together.

"Anyway...Its getting late...I wouldn't want you getting in trouble for being gone too long. We don't have a lot of time, but I think I'm gunna head home and get my stuff together. If you decide you want to come along...Meet me at the train station tomorrow at 5am. That's when the first one leaves, so....If you're serious..."

You trail off as you see how the stars were well out, and he remains silent while you feel a lump in your throat forming.

"But...If you do end up leaving tomorrow...I wouldn't blame you...But please..."

You begin, having to take a deep breath before you finish your sentence.

"Please don't forget me."

You almost whisper, before pulling him close and pressing your lips to his cheek for only a second.

"I'll see you when I see you then...Goodbye L."

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