Chapter 53 - Forgiveness

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Dave stood up and walked towards Evan.

"Why did you help me when we had enough men?" He questioned him with intimidating him and I almost face palmed myself.

"Because I owed you." He said nonchalantly.

"That doesn't explain your previous acts. Why did you send the recording at the first place? This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for that stupid recording you sent." Dave shouted at him.

"It wasn't me who sent it. I was talking to Justin in the cafe that day. I was telling him how unsure I was about you dating Bella in the starting. I was going to use the recording to save her from you but then I saw the love you have for her. Maybe Owen was present in the cafe that morning. My phone was stolen the same morning. When Zayn told me what had happened, I knew that Owen had stolen my phone Trust me, I would never in a hundred years try to separate you both."

"Oh." Dave said and looked everywhere but at Evan.

"I know what I did was unforgivable. But you have to understand that it was not only you who lost someone. I lost the love of my life. I too went through a lot of shit after her death and it took everything in me to come out of it. Unlike you, I didn't really have anyone to bring me out of my misery," He said and wiped the lone tear which escaped his eyes.

"Um- I -" Dave stuttered.

"Yeah, yeah. Say it. I am waiting." Evan said with a smirk. Dave pouted and with a huff, he turned around.

"Fuck this shit, I am not saying it. He is too bitchy." Evan started laughing and turned him around to face him.

"Well, thank you." Dave said nonchalantly.

Evan hugged Dave and said something in his ears which made him stiffen in a funny way. He immediately pushed him back, and wrapped both his arms protectively against his own chest, trying to protect his man boobs. Evan laughed uncontrollably and said, "I was just kidding, bro."

Dave gave him a glare before ignoring him again and hugged me. He kept saying a few soothing words in my ears while I continued to find comfort in his arms.

"Mr. Anderson, Thank you so much for your cooperation. We assure you that we will have tight security over him this time." The police said once they arrested Owen.

"Yeah. Please do. I don't want that guy on the loose. Is that understood?" Dave said in a stern voice.

"Yes sir. Have a good day." he waved at us and exited. Zayn came towards me and hugged me. "I am sorry for what happened."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I shouldn't have left you alone."

"Well, you didn't know what was going to happen. But now that you are sorry, I know how you can make up for it."


"Ice-cream." I said and he chuckled. He shuffled my hair and kissed me on my forehead.

Dave picked me up since I was too weak to walk. We all went to Zayn's car and drove off.

Zayn was driving the car and Evan sat in the front. Me and Dave sat at the back while we drove to the hospital. I was too tired to sit up straight and rest so I laid my head on Dave's lap. He played with my hair while I tried to sleep. Tried to.

"I am sorry." I felt a drop of water on my cheeks and I looked up to see Dave's eyes filled with tears. He sniffed as he said it again- "I am sorry. I-"

"Why are you saying sorry? It wasn't your fault. I was the one who didn't trust you. I swear it was-"

"But I shouldn't have told you to get out. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't. I swear those were not my intentions. I would never put you under any sort of danger. I love you."

"I know. I love you more. And whatever happened, has already happened. We can't change it. What matters right now is that I am with you. Safe. I don't need anything else," I assured him and smiled. He grinned and then lent down to kiss me. I cupped his cheeks as I kissed him sensually, totally forgetting about our surroundings.

"Ew! Will you stop eating my sister when I am just a feet away from you guys. Honestly creeps the fuck out of me." Zayn said and Evan played the radio.

"Do whatever you want when we get home. I will personally make sure that no one disturbs you, but not now please." Evan said.

"Exactly. And here I thought boys were horny. They need to meet this little creature."

"I am anything but little."

We all kept arguing about how unfair it is to call 5'4 girls short. Dave also told me what exactly happened when that audio was recorded and felt stupid for creating a fuss out of it.

"By the way, who were those men?"

"That my man over here will explain, right Zayn?" Evan said as he pat Zayn's shoulder and Zayn gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Well yo see, I was the leader of an illegal gang not long ago. That was until mom found out. She beat the crap out of me and made me quit the gang. I collaborated with a few gangs in New York. Those men had always been loyal to me and it didn't take long to arrange a few buff men from their gang." I felt like I was dreaming.

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