Chapter 54 - Proposal

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There are friend. There is family. And then there are friends that become family.


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We reached the hospital and Dave helped e out of the car. Before I could even take a step, he lifted me up in his arms bridal style.

"Dave, I can walk on my own." I whisper-shouted.

"I don't want you to strain yourself." Dave said, without looking at me as he walks by the double doors of the hospital.

Zayn walks ahead of us sighing and muttering something like 'young love'.

Remind me to talk some sense into him.

Dave laid me on the stretcher and the nurses helped me to the general ward. All the while I was being wheeled to the general ward, Dave held my hand as if afraid that I will leave him again.

"Dave, I am fine. You don't have to worry so much." I said, trying to convince him even though I know he will not get rid of that frown until the doctor confirms the same. Zayn and Evan left for the canteen because they were craving cheese.

The doctor administered my wounds and Dave just stood there like my personal bodyguard, making sure that the doctor doesn't try anything funny

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The doctor administered my wounds and Dave just stood there like my personal bodyguard, making sure that the doctor doesn't try anything funny. After the doctor was done he looked at Dave.

"Are you her friend?"

"Boyfriend." Dave said in a stern voice, all the while eyeing the doctor.

"Okay boyfriend, your girlfriend will have to stay here for a night. We will have to change her bandages every 6 hours. If everything is fine by tomorrow then she can leave n the afternoon."

"Can't this be done at home? It's not really-"

"What the doctor says, goes." The doctor said in an authoritative tone and left. Dave rolled his eyes and muttered a colorful string a curses before throwing punches in the air in his direction.

Later that afternoon I was shifted into one of the VIP rooms which was way too fancy for my own liking.

Juliana came to visit me in the afternoon and I couldn't be more ecstatic to finally see her. As soon as she stepped inside, she ran towards me and hugged me.

"Look at what that son of a bitch did to you. Thank god you are safe," she said with tears in her eyes.

"I am totally fine. Thanks to him." I said as I looked at Dave.

She sat on the chair beside my bed and kept asking me whether I need something or whether I am comfortable or not.

"Your mother is coming here," she said, and almost immediately there was a knock on the door. "That should be her."

Amazing. They should have given me some time to prepare myself at least.

Dave opened the door to reveal my mother standing on the door. She ran towards us and hugged me tightly until I let out a groan. She realized that I am hurting and she released me.

She was crying and seeing her cry, my eyes started to water too.

I still haven't forgiven her completely but we are not at a bad place either. There are awkward moments when I just want confront her again and again but then I see how much she has changed over the years and deserves a second chance.

"Oh my god. Look at what that bastard did to you. I am never going to leave you alone." She said in between her sobs.

"That wouldn't be needed since I will always be by her side." Dave budged in.

The conversation went on and on until the stupid nurse kicked them out in the evening saying that I should rest for some time.

Right now I am stuffing my mouth with skittles as I am watching 'Descendants of the sun'.

K-dramas are lit.

Dave entered the room and locked the door before heading in m direction. He checked my temperature and then asked "Does it pain anywhere?"

"Nope." I shook my head vigorously and give him a wide smile. He just stared at me for a while before whispering "Gosh, I missed this."

He leaned down and captured my lips with his. Running his hand through my hair, he slightly tugged them, only to receive a moan against his mouth. Our lips moved in sync before he pulled back almost immediately, our lips still brushing against each other's.

"Marry me."

"What?!" I shrieked.

"Ouch woman! My poor ears."

"Sorry. But how can I - How can we- I am just 18."

"I know that. I am not asking you to marry me just yet. We have to attend college too but I want you to promise me that you will marry me in the future."

He took out a small cubical box from his coat pocket and opened, only to reveal the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. My eyes immediately watered.

 My eyes immediately watered

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"Dave. Oh my god. I can't-"

"You can, Bella. And you will."

Dave, its too expensive. How can I-"

"You deserve it, baby girl. In fact, you deserve much more than this. This is nothing."

"Dave I-"

"Just listen to me. This isn't how I planned the proposal but I was planning to do it from a long time and I just couldn't wait anymore. I don't care whether you wear it on your finger or wear t as a necklace. I just want you to have it and remember this whenever you look at it that there is someone in this world who is waiting for you and loves you more than you can ever imagine."

"Even if I didn't have it, I would always remember that you love me more than anyone else. I doubted you once, Dave. I am not going repeat the same mistake. My life was a mess until I met you. You helped me to get over my fear and taught me how to love. You were there for me whenever I needed you the most. I wouldn't forget you even if I want to."

"Good, because I won't let that happen, anyways." And with that he captured my lips once again, making it seem like a promise to never leave me alone.


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