Chapter 36 - Going Home

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You sir, are the human version of period cramps.


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We went to the canteen for having lunch. I am so hungry right now. Dave being Dave, didn't leave my hand. The only time he left it was when I wanted to use the washroom. As we were walking, he pulled my necklace out and left it there.


"Why not? I have to let everyone know that you are mine. There are many vultures targeting my food." I laughed.

"I am not your food Dave. You can't eat me."

Could I get anymore lame?

"I have already tasted you and trust me baby, I will eat you up very soon." He said and I blushed. I hit his arm and he groaned. This dude has no filter in his mouth, what so ever.

"What? Don't whine like a baby. And anyways, no body is 'targeting your food.' There is no boy looking at me."

"Don't even get me started. Do you even know how many boys I have to shield you from? There are hundreds of them out there. And nowadays there are girls too." He fake-shivered.

"I am all yours, Dave. You don't have to shield me form any boy. And as far as girls are concerned, I don't think you have to worry about them.... for a while."

"For a while? You are giving me goosebumps. Going away with someone else is far better than becoming lesbian, alright? If you ever love some other guy, there are chances that you will come back to me or rather I will make you. But if you become lesbian, what the hell would I do? That's like the worst thing that could happen to a couple." I laughed at his imagination. Why does he think so much?

"How did you even think of something so far?" he shrugged.

"I am always prepared for the worst. I will keep you away from all the girls too. Oh yeah! Did you know there is some charity event this Saturday?" he said.

"Really? I didn't know." I said sipping my coffee.

"Hm, My dad is forcing me to go. All these years it was not necessary but apparently since I am soon going to take over the business, I have to meet all those arrogant businessmen."

"You never attended before? That bastard made me attend them for the past two years. Trust me, the only thing good there is the food. The rest of the night only goes by witnessing how people try to showoff with their money. None of them do it thinking of it as charity. Maybe one or two."

"Urgh. It's gonna be one hell of a night then. Will you be there? It will become better with you." he said pleading.

"I don't know whether my stepfather is going or not. But I have a bad experience with this type of event you know. Last time I went, a man...." I said as I remembered how a drunk man tried to force himself on me in the girl's washroom, only to get his head dumped in the toilet by some cleaning maid there.

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