Chapter 34 - A Father Figure

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When you are happy, you listen to music. When you are sad, you understand the lyrics.


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As soon as he did that, I picked up the lamp from the bed side table and tried to threaten him. I tried to keep a straight face so as to make him realize that I am not scared. I am. So scared that I might piss in my pants.

"Don't you dare, or I will hit you."

"Woah, woah, woah, pretty lady. Calm down. I am not going to do anything." He raised both his hands up in the air in surrender. He tried to take small steps towards me but I knew how men like him make false promises.

"Didn't seem like it few minutes ago." I said tightening the grip on the lamp.

"First thing, keep that weapon down. My wife is enough to threaten me. I don't need another woman running behind me with a lamp. Urgh, the stuffs I have to do for him." I heard him mumble the last part.

"You don't want another woman to beat you but you need a handful of woman to pleasure you? How can you-"

"Alright. I understand that you are angry but it's obvious judging from my act a while ago. Let us talk and clear our misunderstanding first. I want us both to be in the same side. " I lowered the lamp.

"Same side of what?" I frowned as I asked the question.

"You will know it in a minute. First keep that thing down." he said.

"Maintain a 10 feet distance."

"Fine! You are one hell of a woman. Well, my son-"

"Your son is an asshole. Don't talk to me about him. I hate him."

"You are damn right. He is an asshole. A big one for that matter. But let's not bitch about him now, alright? We both will have a nice time bitching about him in the future. As of now, our motive is to save you."

"Save me? I am not a word document which need to be saved."

"Real mature, Isabella. Real mature. I am sorry about how we met. This was not how I planned on meeting my son's girlfriend-"

"I am not his girlfriend." I interfered but he didn't stop.

"-but let's do that now. Hi, I am Daniel Anderson. I am married and have a son who always gives me a headache. I had a 'lived happily ever after' ending of my love story and I want it to be that way for a while. And you?"

"Um...It's kind of weird."

"That all you have to say about yourself? Weird. "


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