Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Hundred Tears of Sleep

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Yeah I know I'm kinda scrambling for chapter names xD Good news is I have the rest of the chapter titles planned out before hand - so YAY!

Anywho just to let you guys know that the next update will be shortly on it's way - it's over half way written, and it's probably going to be a bit shorter than my other chapters (but you'll see as to why that is when I get around to posting it)


::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Hundred Tears of Sleep

After Isaac had left it didn’t take long for Rachel to tearfully announce she was going to the other room, and I urged Jake to follow her.

His sister needed him right then.

I stayed on my own, trying to get the sinking feeling out of my gut.

Call. Call. Please call.

More and more time kept passing by, but my phone stayed worryingly silent.

I closed my eyes resting my forehead against my knees. I felt sick. I couldn’t get Isaac or his mum out of my mind.

Were they all right?

Not knowing was making my stomach turn.

I felt the sofa dip beside me, and that was enough to drag my mind back to the room I was in.

I wasn’t surprised to see Mackenzie was sat in the space on my right, his eyes fixed on me with an almost cautious expression on his face, I knew the only other two in the apartment had fallen asleep not long ago.

Mackenzie was watching me carefully. “Hey.” He said when I didn’t make a move to start talking.

My throat felt dry, but I tried speaking anyway. “Hey.” My voice cracked on the one word, and I quickly clamped my lips together. If I said anymore I might start crying, and I really didn’t want that.

If I started I didn’t know whether or not I’d stop.

I twisted my phone in my fingers, willing it to ring.

I shouldn’t have just let him leave like that. He hadn’t been in the right state of mind to be driving.

Why hadn’t I tried harder?

“Taylor.” Mackenzie said when I started to lose myself in thoughts.

I turned to face him again. “Yeah?” I asked him, trying to keep the tremble out of my voice.

His eyes tightened, and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

“You’re tried.” Mackenzie said, letting out a loud sigh. “Just go to sleep.”

I shook my head, ignoring the way the room span as I did so. “I can’t.” I mumbled, trying to force my eyes open wider. “I’m worried. He said he’d call.” I clutched my phone tighter to me.

Just ring. Please. I begged the piece of plastic mentally.

Mackenzie didn’t respond to that other than to shake his head.

I was allowed to worry, wasn’t I? Friends could worry about one another. It wasn’t strange how tightly my chest was clenching in anxiety, even though I knew Rachel was sleeping in the next room.

It was okay, wasn’t it?

Mackenzie shuffled his position, catching my attention.

“What are you doing?” I asked, feeling his arm wrap around my shoulders as he pulled me into him.

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