Chapter Twenty: Whistle While You Work

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter - I'm going to go sleep like a log for the next few hours until my brohter and sisters wake me up at what will probably be four/five in the morning!

As always votes and comments are deeply appreciated - but most importantly PLEASE ENJOY::

Chapter Twenty: Whistle While You Work

There was a loud crash from the back room, followed by Mackenzie’s audible cuss that made the costumer in front of me give a disapproving frown. I quickly handed her her change with an apologetic smile.

She just shook her head, looking entirely unimpressed as took her money and coffee to the table nearest the exit.

As soon as her back was turned I rolled my eyes, and looked towards the back room.

“Mackenzie?” I called over my shoulder. “Are you alright in there?”

There was a short pause, and then Mackenzie poked his head around the back door. My eyes widened when I saw he was covered almost head to toe in flour. “Just peachy.” He answered tightly. “You’re shift’s over right?”

I looked at the clock. “Just about. What happened to you?”

“Nothing. I just dropped one of those stupidly large flour packets. Do you mind fetching me some cloth towels from the supply closet before you go?” He asked. “And a plastic tub.” He added onto the end whilst reaching up to run his fingers through her hair, making some more flour that had been stuck to him fall to the ground.

“Sure.” I said, before running off to fetch him the supplies. By the time I got back Mackenzie had already returned back to the back room, and I followed him inside.

My lips parted slightly as my jaw fell open. The flour was absolutely everywhere – covering almost all the floor, and a great portion of the counter tops too.

“Wow. How did you even manage this?” I asked Mackenzie. He was stood beside the sink, running wet fingers through his hair to try and get the flour out of it.

He looked over his shoulder at me to give me a flat look. “Tripped.” He mumbled looking frustrated. With an aggravated sigh he shook his head. Small droplets rolled down his face and he scrubbed them away with his wrist.

“Thanks.” He said in a rough voice as I passed him the stuff he’d asked for. Taking the cloth towels from the plastic basin he tossed them to the side and turned the cold-water tap on, to fill the basin.

When he got the basin sitting in the sink he began rolling his sleeves up to his elbow and turned to glance at me again, with a questioning look.

I turned my attention away from him, letting my eyes roll over the mess of the room.

“Need something?” Mackenzie asked bluntly, as he switched the tap off again.

I shrugged my shoulders. “You sound grumpy.” I said idly.

“Yeah, well this is going to take ages to clean up.” He responded, with a frown.

I nodded my head in agreement. I don’t know what made me say what I did next. Maybe it was the resigned look on Mackenzie’s face when he was looking at the state of the room, but it was more probably insanity caused by lack of sleep.

“Do you want some help?” I asked him.

Mackenzie looked at me in surprise. “Actually, yeah.” He answered honestly, looking a little relieved at having his workload halved.

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