Chapter Seventeen: Little? Yes. Mermaid? Not So Much.

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Okay as promised it's Friday(ish) and here's another update for you all, up slightly earlier than planned becuase I woke up in the middle of the night and now have nothing better to do :P <3 x

Thank you all so much for reading this so far! You're support has been spectacular!

If people could highlight any mistakes they see because I didn't edit this one that'd be awesome <3

But anyway as always votes and comments are greatly appreciated but most importatly PLEASE ENJOY::

::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Seventeen: Little? Yes. Mermaid? Not so much.

“Tay, stop dragging your feet!” I raised an eyebrow at Rachel’s excited impatience as she urged me to move faster. I was the one with the shortest legs, and was definitely the slowest walker out of the group of us.

From my left Isaac let out a low chuckle at his girlfriend’s enthusiasm. He turned his head and caught my eyes with his own, his features lit up in a humoured grin.

So caught up by Isaac’s grin I barely noticed Jake stepping up to my side, until he spoke.

“Relax Rachel. It’s not as if the pools going anywhere.” He said, backing me up. As he spoke the words to his sister he wrapped a protective arm over my shoulder.

He wore a triumphant and happy smile when I didn’t knock away his arm. I held in my laugh at his behaviour, shaking my head to myself. He really couldn’t help himself when it came to riling up Rachel. He enjoyed it far too much.

Narrowing her eyes on her brother’s arm Rachel frowned. “Can’t you keep your hands to yourself?” She asked him.

Jake’s only response was to tighten his hold slightly, pulling me closer into his side.

I rolled my eyes at the pair of them, choosing not to say anything as I turned to shoot a ‘do you see what you’ve done now’ look in Mackenzie’s direction. He was watching the whole scene with disinterest, and just shrugged his shoulders when I gave him the accusing glance.

To be honest it hadn’t come as a surprise to me that Mackenzie had chosen to invite Jake along today. And I was actually a little grateful he had, even if Rachel hadn’t looked entirely happy with it.

Turning my attention back to Jake I found him grinning down at me.

I gave him a questioning look. “What are you thinking about?” I asked my lips already forming an answering smile to his.

His grin widened at my question.

“Really want to know?” He asked.

I laughed. “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.” I told him.

“Alright then.” He gestured for me to come even closer. I raised an eyebrow – we were already quite close – but still did as he asked, moving closer to him so that my shoulder was practically touching his chest.

With a satisfied nod he stooped his back, closing the rest of the distance between us so that his lips were right next to my ear. I might have stumbled back at the sudden movement, but he still had a steadying hold on my shoulders that stopped me.

“I was thinking that you look beautiful today.”

My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed. He was close enough that the soft breath he whispered with stirred my hair slightly. But more than anything it was his words that caught me by surprise.

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