Ever Since - Chapter One

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I'm so sorry this has taken so long guys, basically everything in my life went a bit haywire. Things are a lot more under control now <3 So sorry for making you wait, but as promised here is the Epilogue for My Happily Never After

Thank you so much for reading this everyone! You're all amazingly beautiful. I can't believe that I won't be writing anything else for this story anymore </3 I'm going to miss it so much!

I'm still here and writing!

So as always PLEASE ENJOY:

::Ever Since::

Chapter One

I glanced up from the page of my book when I heard the sound of my bedroom window being pushed open in time to see Mackenzie’s leg swinging into my room. Unlike the first time he’d ever climbed through my window he managed to make it through the small gap rather gracefully.

I bit my lip to prevent me smiling like an idiot at how routine it this had all become over the past few months – ever since I’d called him after the battery in his MP3 had died during one of my parents’ worst fights.

I didn’t know what I had expected when I called him, but it definitely wasn’t for him to come climbing through my window with a pack of AAA batteries.

Although neither of us had ever voiced an agreement ever since then he’d come into the habit of inviting himself over to my house. Especially on Thursdays.

Almost as if he knew that was when I needed him there most.

“Hey.” I greeted him, as I dog-eared my spot in the book I had just been reading before tucking it away to one side and sliding along on my bed to give Mackenzie room to sit.

Apparently not enough room. He looped easily across the room and half crushed me as he dropped heavily onto my bed, arms spread out.

“Oi!” I cried out in annoyance, dodging out of his way just in time so that I was squished up against the wall, rather than under his arm.

I huffed slightly when I saw the wide smile spread out across Mackenzie’s face as he chuckled over my reaction. “Hey Taylor.” He greeted, tilting his head back to look at me.

I narrowed my eyes in his direction. “Move up you bed hog!” I complained at him, pushing against his shoulder.

Mackenzie raised an eyebrow at the feeble attempt to forcibly move him. “Move up?” He asked teasingly, his smile growing.

My eyes widened as I realised what he was about to do. “Wait no-”

Before I could finish he was already rolling over towards me, crushing me under his weight.

“So heavy!” I wheezed, my cheeks flushing red as I tried to get him off. I could feel him shaking slightly with laughter as I tried. “Get off me you big lug!”

“Sorry I couldn’t quite hear you.” He teased.

I rolled my eyes at him, wriggling my arm out to pick up the book I’d put aside a moment ago to hit him on the arm with until he got up.

Laughing easily under my attack Mackenzie picked himself up onto his elbows, so that he was no longer resting his weight on me, tugging the ‘weapon’ effortlessly from my grip he raised an eyebrow at me as he saw the title.

“Pride and Prejudice?” He asked as I caught my breath back from being crushed under him. “You’re reading this by choice?”

I stuck out my chin. “Yes. What of it?” I asked taking my book back.

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