Chapter Eighteen: Knowing Who's A Bad Guy

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Hey guys as promised the new chapter of My Happily Never After!

At 2:53 AM ... I have GOT to get my sleeping schedual back on track!

Still I'm in a really good mood because my best friend's text me today that he's coming back from Wales soon for the Christmas holidays and I've missed him loads! So YAY! Plus I just spent the day Christmas shopping nad I've gotten almost all of that out of the way *mini party* now I can just relax and be excited for Christmas! I usualy get my shopping done about two days before Christmas so this is a HUGE improvement for me :P

Anyway I'm going to let you read now :) PLEASE ENJOY::

::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Eighteen: Knowing Who’s A Bad Guy

“Move.” The order was direct and cut, and it made me scowl.

I stood firmly in the coffee shops entrance, not budging. I’d been planning this attack all day.

Standing my ground I tilted my head back to glare up at Mackenzie defiantly. He gave me an unimpressed glower in return. I didn’t move an inch from where I was standing.

He wasn’t having it. “Seriously, get out of my way Taylor.” He said moodily.

I shook my head, not letting him leave. “Not until you tell me.” I said sternly.

His glare deepened. “Not until I tell you what?” He asked, his annoyance seeming to grow ten-fold.

I swallowed. He was still intimidating as all hell when he glared like that. “Whatever it is I’ve done that’s pissed you off so badly.” I said.

Two days. That’s how long Mackenzie had been acting weird for – and I couldn’t for the life of me work out why.

“You won’t move out of my way.” Mackenzie said flatly.

I glared back at him. “I’m being serious here, Mackenzie.” I said. “You’ve been acting really weird for the past two days.” I said crossing my arms tightly.

“What makes you say that?” He asked. His jaw twitched slightly, belying his cool exterior.

“You’ve been walking around everywhere with a thunderous expression on your face.” I answered. Plus, he’d barely even said two words to me – not even to have a go at me for something trivial like he usually always did. “Be honest, have I done something to upset you?”

He sighed. “No you haven’t. Now can you move?” He asked.

I hesitated.

“What now?” He asked, hurrying me along.

“Even if it’s not me something is bothering you, right?” I asked. He didn’t say anything. “Do you…want to talk about it?”

He gave me a look of utter disbelief. “What?” He asked, incredulously.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I repeated, feeling my cheeks heat.

“Why would you even care?” He pressed.

I shrugged, diverting my eyes. “…A problem shared is a problem halved and all that.”

Mackenzie rolled his eyes. “You believe that?”

“Actually, yes.” I told him. He raised an eyebrow at me doubtfully.

“Well tough. I don’t.” He responded flatly.

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