Chapter Thirty-Three: Shattered Mirror Mirror

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Another update finished xD Thanks everyone SO MUCH for all the comments and votes you left on the last chapter! <3

I appreciate it! x

This isn't my best chapter I know, but try bare with me!

And as always PLEASE ENJOY:

::My Happily Never After::

Chapter Thirty-Three: Shattered Mirror Mirror

“Taylor, Rachel’s at the door again.” My mum told me, annoyance very clear in her voice, as she stood in the doorway of my room, disapproval written into her every feature.

I clutched onto the book, I had been reading the moment before she had come to tell me that Rachel was here, a little tighter. “Tell her I don’t want to see her.”

She gave me a flat look. “Get your nose out of your book for a minute and go and tell her yourself.” My mum suggested. “It’s too early to be dealing with this. I don’t know what is going on between you two girls, but I am not – nor have I ever been – your messenger.”

I frowned deeply. “Then just close the door on her, she’ll get the message on her own.” I said tightly.

My mother snorted disapprovingly. “Avoidance. You’re definitely your father’s daughter.”

She said like she hadn’t been the one to run away to Portsmouth!

I kept my jaw tightly shut to stop myself from blurting something along those lines aloud.

My mother let out a deep sigh, stepping inside my room and walking over to where I was sat cross-legged on my bed. “Be honest, is this fight between the two of you about Isaac?” She asked in a serious voice. “Because if it is I feel I should point out to you that she’s the one who’s Isaac’s girlfriend. Even if you are obsessed with the boy-”

Mum!” I cut her off.

“What?” She asked. “You were never a subtle person with your feelings Taylor. But Isaac made his choice. And it’s not fair to be punishing Rachel for that. And it’s very not fair to have me running about every handing messages between the pair of you.”

I squeaked my despair. “This isn’t to do with Isaac picking her.”

“Good. Then go down and talk to her.” My mother said, standing to her feet, and pointing to the door.

I stayed sat where I was.

“I’m serious Taylor. I have better things to be doing with my day than dealing with a pair of squabbling girls. Whatever it is you two are fighting about, I’m sure it’s something you can get past. And if you don’t go down, I’ll just send her up. Don’t think I won’t. She seems rather eager to talk to you.”

With a scowl set into my features I pushed my book to the side, and stood to my feet. As I stood I could feel my stomach tying itself into knots. Honestly part of my hesitation to see Rachel was because I didn’t know what I was going to say.

But as I wasn’t being given much choice in the matter…

I strode out of my room, trying not to let my discomfort show on my face.

Rachel was already inside when I got downstairs. She was sat on the living room sofa looking completely unsure of herself as she sat opposite my dad, who wasn’t paying her a bit of notice as he flicked through the TV channels, occasionally taking a sip from the whisky glass he had perched on the arm of his chair.

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