Chapter Two: The Qualities of a Villain

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[***Dedicated to Sidthesloth1 for the awesome banner she made me on the side! ---> ***]

you guys are totally amazing :] thank you for all the encouraging messages i've been recieving on this story! <3

Chapter Two: The Qualities of a Villain

“Gambling again, really?” My mother’s scornful voice rang through the house (probably louder than she thought it sounded).

I sighed tucking my legs closer to myself, to try and get comfortable as I attempted (and failed) to read my book in peace and ignore the noise coming from downstairs.

My dad must have replied back, because once again my mother was shrieking. “Do you really think you have any chance of winning?” She asked piercingly. “That’s my money you’re gambling away you know!” She accused. “If you’re going to gamble at least get a bloody job first!”

I didn’t need to hear to be able to tell what my dad would reply to that. They’ve had this argument many times before already, and it was right about now that my dad always chipped in with something like: I’m looking for a god-damned job, it’s not that easy!

“NOT THAT EASY!” My mother squawked (Nailed it). “I’ll tell you what’s not that easy! What’s not that easy is trying to support a family, whilst your useless layabout of a husband sits on his arse all day either with eyes glued to the T.V. screen or gambling away your hard earned money!”

 My mother’s words obviously struck a chord in my dad, because now he was speaking loud enough that I could hear the rumble of his voice as he replied.

I felt my shoulders slump, and I gave up on all attempts to read my book, a yearning for my dead iPod, (that had suffered a major blow to the pavement in the month previously - may he rest in pieces), stretching across my chest, so I could block out all the noise.

I let out a loud groan as I fell back onto my bed with my eyes closed, trying to tune out the yelling by listing out a few of the horrible things I’d rather be doing than listening to another one of my parents’ squabbles.

A list that included things like: Listening to cats yowl down my ear, finding myself in a doomsday movie where I’m running for my life in a zombie apocalypse, and having a troll hold me upside down by my ankle whilst he swings his club at me.

I was distracted from my thoughts by a light knocking sound coming from outside my window. I didn’t need to look to know who it was. There was only ever one person who knocked on my window.

Isaac Bennett, the boy who stole my heart.

He was sat in his own bedroom that faced into mine with a grim look settled on his face, letting me know that he could hear everything going on, just as well as I could.

I tried to give him a smile but I’m pretty sure it came out as a wince, making his frown deepened.

He held one finger up, before dropping out of view for a second, afterwards returning with a whiteboard and marker. That’s when I felt a real smile twisting at my lips, as he gave me an expectant look.

I rolled my eyes before reaching under my bed to dig out my own whiteboard and marker Isaac had gotten me years ago. In a time before I had fallen in love with him, and before he had fallen for Rachel. (And also before I had a mobile – which was what had made this so ‘necessary’).

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