Chapter Six: The Knight in Shining Armour

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Hey guys! Sorry this took so long to get uploaded! It was meant to be up last night - but I fell asleep writing it :P


Also if you could point out any mistakes you spot that'd be really really helpful!

But anyway as always please ENJOY:

Chapter Six: The Knight in Shining Armour


Nerves were making my palm sweat, and my feet feel heavy and clumsy. As far as job interviews go this one was a complete disaster. It probably hadn’t helped that the first thing I had gasped out when I had seen the man standing in front of me was a startled ‘Hagrid?’

Maybe he was sensitive to his staggering similar appearance to the loveable half-giant of Harry Potter?

In other words: I shouldn’t have said that. I should not have said that.

In my defence though I hadn’t realised he was the one who was going to conduct the job interview.

“Do you have any previous experience?” The man in front of me asked in a monotone.

Did it count that I ate a lot of dessert? I thought as I bit my lip, staring at the colourful counters of the dessert parlour. “Not really. But I’m very eager to learn.” I said with my best smile.

Hagrid’s doppelganger – I took a quick glance down to his name tag to remind me of his real name; John – didn’t look impressed with my response. For being the manager of such a joyful place he sure was a grump. Not at all as smiley as Hagrid at any rate…

“I’m extremely fast to pick up new talents.” I continued quickly not caring about sounding conceited, to be honest it was a lie – I didn’t learn all that quickly but I would make sure that I would if it got me the job.

I was kind of desperate.

John didn’t look at all effected by my words.

“Well we’ve had a lot of people applying for this job – we’ll get back to you once we’ve undergone all the interviews and let you know.”

And shot down! I knew the look of compete and utter rejection. This man was not even slightly interested in hiring me for the job – which left me right at square one.

As I left the dessert parlour the cheerful sound of the bell, attached to ring every time a customer entered, chimed almost mockingly over head.

I sighed. This sucked big time.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket in a mood to see I had two missed text messages. I checked the most recent first.

[We need more milk, pick some up on your way home – mum]

I rolled my eyes at the demand, sending a quick ‘okay’ before checking to look at the other text. Stupidly my heart leapt a little at the sight of Isaac’s name in bold letting me know I had an unread message from him.

Of course my heart got the well-deserved pinch of pain when I read it.

[I’m really sorry I can’t pick you up today, something important came up with Rachel – Isaac]

I smiled wryly at my phone. I wasn’t surprised he had warned me beforehand he might not be free enough to pick me up after my interview, and I’d made sure that I had brought along enough money to take the bus.

My Happily Never AfterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon