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that next morning, octavia was woken up by deep voices yelling above her. she washed her face quickly, doing her business in the bathroom before rushing upstairs in her sliders.

she was greeted by billy and an angry jacob who barely gave her a second glance. he mumbled something before leaving, slamming the door behind him.

"don't mind jake," billy wheeled to her, "he's been in a bit of a mood recently." the elder shook octavia's hand gently, i introducing herself.

"octavia." she replied with a wide smile, "thanks for letting me live here." she said gratefully.

"no worries, it's my pleasure." billy let go of her hand and looked at the door, "there's breakfast at emily's, you better run there before it finishes." billy told her and octavia thanked him before rushing there.

she was greeted at the door by emily and the two shared a quick hug, "don't let these loud boys scare you." she warned and octavia showed her muscles.

"i got this em!" she giggled and the two walked into the large kitchen.

immediately seth jumped up, giving octavia a hug. the fourteen year old was tall for his age, being 5'8 like octavia, so she stumbled, "relax seth." she giggled.

seth laughed and let her go, going back to his breakfast.

"your sisters hot." paul smirked, recieving a gentle smack from sam who frowned, mentioning about how she's off limits.

the rest of the boys introduced themselves and octavia was given a plate. she ate her breakfast happily, joining in on the conversations every few seconds.

when they were clearing up, the boys helping, leah walked in, scratching her head.

"someone tell jake to shut up." she groaned, still half asleep, "going on and on about bella, tell him no one cares." she huffed.

sam shook his head, "leah say hi to my sister."

"hi to your sister." she barely even looked at octavia, grabbing her plate and leaving the kitchen as quick as she entered.

"don't worry about her." emily started, "she's mourning. she'll come around."

octavia smiled, "it's okay, we all have our bad days." geniunely feeling bad for leah.


the rest of the day was spent in the living room of emily and sam's home. the group of them shared stories, even leah joined in and spoke for a while.

the only one of the younger generation missing was jacob.

"he's so in love with that bella chick." paul spoke to octavia, the two were sitting beside each other. "she has a boyfriend, edward, and they're dedicated to each other but she keeps jake on a string like a dog. pulling him left and right."

"she needs to pick between jake and edward cause it's not fair how the rest of us suffer." leah rolled her eyes.

"how do you guys suffer?" octavia asked, curious on what she meant by that.

leah flushed, "like how we live with him and he doesn't shut up about her." she awkwardly looked around and the black haired girl decided not to push it.

the air suddenly got awkward when jacob stepped into the room. he barely looked at octavia and walked to sam, whispering something his ear. sam whispered back and jacob nodded.

the room stayed quiet for a few seconds before every continued with their conversations. octavia looked around and grabbed her phone, texting her mom and nathan as well as he friends.

jacob looked closely at the girl and raised an eyebrow, before grabbing his phone and texting bella, who was ignoring him.

sam looked at jacob and rolled his eyes, "she's ignoring you."

"no shit."

"you need to get over yourself jacob. clearly she doesn't want to be with you so you need to stop." sam said with a bit more authority. jacob didn't reply so sam continued, "we'll have to talk to the cullens later on anyways so that will be the perfect time to show bella that you don't need her."

jacob stayed silent and looked around the room. he caught octavia's eye and he winked. she blushed immediately and turned around, pretending to be preoccupied with her phone. he slid beside her and stuck his hand out, "jacob, everyone here calls me jake. i'm billy's son."

octavia shook his hand, she was shocked by his warmth, "octavia." she smiled sweetly, her cheek dimple showing.

"a mouthful." jacob laughed, "i'm calling you ava."

"um no you're not." she raised her eyebrows in shock, "it's octavia or don't address me at all. besides, why do you even need a nickname? jacob is short enough so i'm calling you that."

"that's fine with me, ava." jacob's eyes twinkled.

"perfect, jacob."

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