twenty six

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"can we talk?" jacob asked octavia. well asked was the nice way to put it. he was upset. this made octavia angry. she was the one who was supposed to be upset. he had used her like a little rag doll and has the audacity to be upset?

"do you need me to come with?" leah asked.

"i'll be okay." she replied.

she followed jacob out into the yard. he sat at the bench and gestured for her to sit, she ignored him.

"why did you do it?" she asked. her voice seemed calm but inside she was going crazy. she wanted to hit him, curse him, hurt him then kiss him.

"look i know i hurt you again but seriously did not mean it. i was hurt and i needed somebody so i kissed her. i'm sorry octavia-"

"jacob sorry is not gonna cut it!" she snapped. she really had enough, "you keep toying and fucking around with me and then expect me to gobble it up? i'm not like that and i don't what you expected. i opened up to you jacob! you know things about me that nobody in this house knows, and yet you still treat me like shit? what is your fucking problem."

he tried to speak.

"i wish we never met! you imprinted on me and i fucking wish you never did! all you've ever done is break my heart again and again. why? what did i do to deserve this?" she was yelling now. sam and others heard, they all came running, if jacob got too angry, i can't even say it. "fuck you jacob black!"

"i get it ser-"

"no you need to hear this. every since i met you you've made my life a living hell and i never want to see you again." she turned around angrily.

once she was far enough, he phased.

jacob ran. he kept on running, past the canadian borders until he did not know where he was. oh why did he do that? he never wanted to hurt her. he never wanted to see her hurt. he never wanted any of this! stupid wolf pack, stupid uncontrollable anger, stupid super strength, stupid jacob black.


that night, octavia packed up her things. she had booked at flight back home with the savings she brought. she had to leave. she had to go and work on herself before returning.

she gave everyone a tearful goodbye. leah and paul were the ones that were going to drive her to the airport.

"please be back before the wedding." emily tried her hardest not to cry, octavia nodded.

"i will. i promise." she let go and gave sam a tight hug.

"are you sure you want to go back?" sam whispered, he held her like this was the last time he was gonna see her again. she took a deep breath before she spoke.

"i just need to work on myself. i'll be back quicker than you know it. don't worry sam, i'm a big girl now."

"to me you're still that small dorky girl with braces." he laughed through his tears. "i love you sis." he smiled. he really did, his sister was everything to him and as much as he wanted her to stay, her happiness came first.

"i love you too sammy." she giggled. she pulled away and waved goodbye before getting into the car. she took a deep breath and watched the roads as paul drove out the reservation.

she wished she could say bye to jacob.


octavia stretched and looked around. she was back in texas now. she barely spoke to her parents, and her friend did not even know she had returned. she immediately ran to her room, it was empty because the majority of her things were in forks.

she lay down on her bed and grabbed her phone. she messaged her brother, explaining she had arrived safely. she missed him already. she missed the family vibe of the reservation and knowing that every time she woke up, she'd be surrounded by love.

she also missed jacob. the flight to houston gave her a lot to think about and in the end she decided that she should give him another chance, as a friend. she took into consideration that she and jacob were destined for each other. but the time wasn't right for them.

she plugged her phone in and closed her eyes, deciding to sleep her worries away.

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